Saturday, March 10, 2012

bracelets, grade cards, renovation

This past week I broke a favorite Brighton bracelet. I know I can sent it in to the company to be restrung but that's a hassle along with everything else I have going on. On the same day I was taking my jacket off in the classroom and I felt my Fossil bracelet slip off my arm. The kids and I looked for it everywhere but it just disappeared. Both bracelets were less than a year old and although I had purchased the Fossil one on sale, it was a good one to wear to school and now I have a need to replace it. I always wear a bracelet, even on a Saturday morning. It's my signature jewelry. Fortunately, I have a week of Spring break to look forward to and I'm so excited to have some time to pick out granite, tile and paint. The "kitchen" remodel has evolved into the whole first floor which will be like living in a new house again. My only real chore this week is sitting down and filling out grade cards. I used Grade Pro on the classroom computer to figure the grades but I still have to transfer them to the actual report cards and make a short comment on behavior and study skills. I do have to give one F this quarter to a little girl that is not progressing in reading. She should have spend another year in first grade but apparently the parents overruled the teacher and she was sent on. And if she isn't retained this year, it will be another year of failure in third grade. The parents will probably blame her teachers for not performing a miracle.

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