Thursday, May 31, 2012

update on OCM

Today is on the cool side. I plan to walk later. Yesterday I walked 5.16 miles on the Washington Park trail. On another subject, I have been cleansing my face using the oil method: 2 ozs. of Castor oil, 1/2 oz. each of grape seed oil and jojoba oil and a couple of drops of peppermint oil. I have seen improvement since I have started this method and will definitely continue using this with exceptions. Ever other day, I use a "Simple" cleansing cloth purchased at Walmart followed by a light rinse with very warm water using a baby wash cloth. On the days that I use OCM, I use fingertips to massage into my skin, always on the light side and always with a upward motion. I rinse with a baby wash cloth and very warm water. Occasionally I will use a very small amount of Tea Tree Oil on my nose and around it.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


We start out by cutting cotton material into eight to ten inch squares. Volunteers sew these squares by machine into long strips. Other volunteers sew the cotton strips together to make a quilt top. We then meet two to three times a week to sandwich these quilt tops together using old mattress pads or sheets as filler and backing. They are pinned together and sewn with long running stitches. A volunteer takes them home to surge around the edges. Then they are ready to be tacked together either by other volunteers or occasionally at Missionary meetings at church. This year we put together 154 quilts. Eighteen went to the Orphan Grain Train. Forty seven went to RACS, (Rape and Abuse Crisis Center). Thirty seven went to Salvation Army Retreat Center. Fifty went to the Samaritan Center. Two went to a local church family in need.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

washington park pics

In three days I have walked over sixteen miles. Today I walked early as it is predicted to get very hot. I like walking early at seven or so. I also took along my camera today to get some pictures.

Our baseball statue was getting alittle tacky so some local prisoners made us a new one. Yes, that's a true story!

I go by MODOT (Missouri Dept. of Transportation) on my walk. They like to display wrecked cars and trucks.

I've posted this gazebo before. It's behind a bank. The one where I keep all my millions! Ha Ha

Our city's new Animal Shelter which will open next month.

The creek that runs along side the track. The water level is low. It hasn't rained for awhile.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Today I walked 5.14 miles at Washington Park and saw my first snake, just a baby, on the trail. I am a long time sufferer of seasonal depression and this is one of my "sad" times. The end of school and the beginning of summer should be one of the happiest times for a teacher but not for me. Now that I'm just a sub, it's still bad. Walking helps and the new remodel has also lifted my spirits somewhat. I need to remember that I am a child of God.  He would not want me to waste my days feeling glum and sorry for myself. This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. 

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

my new counter tops

Two very nice guys came late yesterday and installed my new granite counter tops. I am thrilled! As you can see, we are not finished yet but almost! Today I had a late lunch out with a friend so I'm talking myself into walking later this evening. Tomorrow and Friday will be my last two days of subbing for this school year.  I will be a facilitator for the special needs kids who are mainstreamed into the regular classroom. School is out for the summer the following Monday. Thank you God for another successful school year and allowing me to use my talents to serve You. I am so grateful.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

calf muscles

My favorite compliment is when someone tells me that I must be a runner because I have great calf muscles. I used to run but eventually it caught up with me and I had problems with my feet and knees. Plus, I just found that I enjoy walking more. I walk fast and I feel that I'm just as fit as any runner. This morning I walked 4.09 miles in my neighborhood. It's a hilly trail but I kept thinking of my calf muscles and sometimes I zigzag up them. I need to stay close to home today as this is the day my granite counter tops will be installed. Did you know that the big slaps of granite are cut to the precise measurements with a "water" saw! Maybe pictures tomorrow....

Monday, May 14, 2012

it's a no

It didn't take us long to decide after our drive-by on Saturday that the River View house was not for us. A lot of these homes have been in one family for years and unfortunately are in sad shape. I'm sure the view out the back of the house is breath taking but with the leaves on the trees it is only visible during the fall and winter months. The train tracks run right below the house and I love trains but I'm afraid the noise would be annoying rather than romantic. The outside of the house is dated and would require lots of repairs to bring it up to our (Hubby's) standards. Besides, we are both getting weary of remodeling and don't want to start all over. Still, if it were just me and if I had unlimited funds (ha ha) I would jump at the chance to own it!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

i'm torn

Why does this happen at the most inappropriate time. My real estate lady called with an amazing "river view" house for sale. I'm afraid to even drive by it for fear that I will fall in love with it. I haven't even turned on my new gas stove yet. Can I leave it? I know that Hubby is not keen on the idea of putting this house on the market after all the work that we (he) has done. Or, is it the four garages that he does not want to part with? But I have wanted a river view house for a long time. I will definitely drive by this afternoon and then, we'll just go from there. On another subject, my week in the autism classroom was very fulfilling. Yes, I am down one bracelet but that is my fault, I should not have worn it. I was scratched and bitten but I also now have a greater understanding of these little guys and realize that they have a purpose to be on this earth just like anybody else. Dear God, Thank you for the opportunity that you gave me this week.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

a full day

We spent most of the morning on DTTs: waving hello and goodbye, practicing putting on shoes, working with shapes and colors, zipping and buttoning. After lunch we had story time, went on a long nature walk that included throwing rocks into the pond, made a sock puppet with yarn hair and goggle eyes and spent at least an hour playing and swinging outside in the sunshine. And tomorrow we'll do it all over again. Oh, I was bitten on my hand but fortunately it did not break the skin. I wasn't getting any sympathy anyway and by the end of the day a favorite Fossil bracelet was broken. When will I ever learn!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

new appliances

All of the appliances are Maytag and they were all installed yesterday except the dish washer which is just in place waiting for the sink and counter top to be installed, possibly later this week. I love it all and feel so fortunate that it all worked out the way it did. This week will be hectic as I am scheduled to sub in the autism classroom for four days but one big positive: it's Teacher Appreciation Week so there should be plenty of goodies to go around! That's if I have time for any of it!!

Friday, May 4, 2012

star wars day

I saw him on the playground and noticed that he was wearing a new Star Wars shirt. Hey, I like your shirt, I said. He told me that his dad bought it for him for Star Wars Day. You know, may the fourth be with you!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

five miles

Today, or rather this morning, I walked 5.6 miles on the Washington Park Trail. It was already warm and I thought the shade would make it cooler. It helped. Tomorrow I will get my hair trimmed and sub  in the afternoon so I have a chance to see my kiddos again. Here's what my clematis looks like these days.