Tuesday, May 29, 2012


We start out by cutting cotton material into eight to ten inch squares. Volunteers sew these squares by machine into long strips. Other volunteers sew the cotton strips together to make a quilt top. We then meet two to three times a week to sandwich these quilt tops together using old mattress pads or sheets as filler and backing. They are pinned together and sewn with long running stitches. A volunteer takes them home to surge around the edges. Then they are ready to be tacked together either by other volunteers or occasionally at Missionary meetings at church. This year we put together 154 quilts. Eighteen went to the Orphan Grain Train. Forty seven went to RACS, (Rape and Abuse Crisis Center). Thirty seven went to Salvation Army Retreat Center. Fifty went to the Samaritan Center. Two went to a local church family in need.

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