Sunday, June 30, 2013


Today I walked 4.34 miles downtown. I like walking downtown on the weekend. It's totally dead and I can act a little silly if I want to. This week I walked/biked a total of 30.52 miles, up from last week when my low was 25. 21 miles. My best week was the second week in June; 37.18 miles. For the month of June I totaled 127.97 miles. I received $661.00 for subbing in May.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

little mary

I know there is a heat wave in the southwest but here the weather is glorious, high 70s but windy. I don't usually ride on the weekends on the Katy as it tends to get crowded with kids and families. I walked 4.12 miles this morning on the Memorial Park trail which takes me across the Missouri River. It's muddy brown but this morning I noticed the water was glistening. When I walk this track I always pass the grave of Mary Pirner. Her gravestone is at the edge of the old St. Peters Cemetery. Her little stone is so close inside the iron fence if my arm were a little longer I could reach out and touch it. Here is what I know about Mary: she was born on November 23, 1896 and she died February 8, 1897. I always make a point to say "Hi Mary."

Thursday, June 27, 2013

iced coffee

After I get back from riding I always fix an iced coffee. I use my Keurig and add just a little sugar. Pour it over ice and top off with sugarfree Coffee-mate. It's really good!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013


I couldn't ride today. I was meeting a repairman and didn't know exactly when he would arrive. I got up early and walked 4.12 miles at the park trail. The mature trees provided shade and even though today was the hottest day so far, I was back home before it really got unbearable. I decided to work on my closet. I know it's been at least two years since I really sorted through the clothes I wear and clothes that just occupy space. I'm throwing away everything baggy, raggy and out-dated. Most of my clothes I will donate to a local re-sell it shop that provides scholarships to kids who attend the new Lutheran High School in town. And let's face it: some things I'm just throwing in the dumpster!

My roses aren't blooming so here's a pic of some petunias!!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

thousands of catfish

Weird title I know. Last week when I was on the Katy I passed the Cedar Creek Bridge and happened to look down. Actually a turtle swimming down the river caught my eye. Since I was on my way back from mile 150 I stopped to rest my tired butt and while I was watching the turtle I noticed the thousands, yes thousands of catfish swimming under the bridge to feed on the debree that had collected from the flood. They were so thick I could have walked on them! What a sight. When I got back to the trailhead I met a nice couple from Illinois just starting out on their ride and I told them to make sure to look for the catfish at Cedar Creek. I have been back at least twice since then but haven't seen any catfish like I did that day.