Thursday, August 29, 2013

i have a dream

I like how President Carter called him Daddy King and President Clinton said that it shouldn't be harder to vote than buy an assault rifle. Amen on that. And President Obama said that we were all marching; even the teachers who buy school supplies with their own money. Oh yeah, I've done that a lot.
I got called to sub this morning but it was already eight and I didn't feel like rushing around like a crazy woman.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013


We're in the middle of the last heat wave of the summer here. I walked 4.40 miles this morning and finished before nine. I was going to stop at Target but I felt the sweat dripping off my pony tail and decided to head it home. I always have ice water in my car for the drive back home. I've been missing the Katy and was planning to go biking last week but was called to sub that morning. September is almost here; I'll feel more like biking then.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

a beautiful baby

I noticed her the minute I sat down. She had a round little Gerber like face and bright blue dancing eyes that just showed how happy she was to be alive. And her chubby chub legs were kicking up a storm. I couldn't take my eyes off of her. Later when her parents, mama and daddy, got up I noticed that they were not particularly attractive but what you might call very average looking people and that's when it hit me. How could these two people produce such a beautiful baby? God, I'm such a sinner.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

instead of riding

I had planned to ride this morning but instead I spent the day in first grade. First grade teachers work very hard. Let's face it, all teachers work hard but first grade teachers at the beginning of the school year work extremely hard and when you get called to sub in first grade at the beginning of the school year...well, I think I that's the hardest of all. But I got through the day. One kid got sick in the bathroom and another kid pinched her hand between two tables and we had some tears. Oh yeah, I forgot about the kid that picked a scab during calendar and got blood on the new carpet. I wore my new necklace and smiled a lot.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

love locks

Our walking bridge is fairly new so our love lock collection is just getting started.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


Here are the subjects of the books I am currently reading: owls, serial killers, George Washington and the Mediterranean diet. Some of these books are on my Kindle and some are old fashioned turn the pagers. I enjoy having the time to read.

Monday, August 19, 2013


I rode fourteen miles this morning. It was at least three weeks since I was on my bike. I went to the Katy and took some pictures. The kudzu is really out of control.


I came home starving so I fixed a romaine, avocado and tomato salad. With my usual diet Dr. Pepper.

Tomorrow is Braille in the morning and subbing in the afternoon. No riding till Thursday.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013


Remember last year when I had thyroid surgery, one of those neck wrinkles is actually a scar.

Monday, August 12, 2013

bike race

Yesterday when I walked downtown I noticed people everywhere; highly unusual for this town on a weekend. There was a bike race going on. Wow, I was able to take some pics.


Sunday, August 11, 2013

the reason why

I know a case of depression when I see one. And I also know this is the time of the year when it happens to me, just a general down in the dumps feeling that I can't seem to shake off. Is it crazy to say that I am mourning my old car. Also the starting up of school as always been a precarious time  and because I'm a teacher it's somehow worse. I'm going to will myself to go for a walk today, not a fitness walk as fast as you can but a stroll across the bridge and enjoy the surroundings kind of walk. Yesterday when I drove across there was a wonky barge floating down the river and I thought at the time what a great picture it would make. I can feel myself getting back to normal and even posting this is a good sign. Isn't it?

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

a call to sub

My phone rang yesterday or rather chirped ( I have a frog ring tone) and it was the secretary at school asking me to sub. Wow, school hasn't even officially started yet but she knew she needed someone to sub in first grade next week. Sorry to say I had something planned on that day so I had to decline but mentally I am ready to get back to a routine. For the past week or so I've taken a little break from biking/walking/daily exercise. Even though the weather is beautiful sometimes for me it is more beneficial to read books and watch birds out on my patio.

Sunday, August 4, 2013


53: miles on my new car. I'm getting used to it. I miss my little Honda and feel somewhat intimidated by this new one.
12: days till school starts. Since I'm just a sub my preparation is mostly mental. And getting new school clothes!
4.10: miles I walked last week. Shocking I know!
1: bald eagle I saw this morning. I just knew it was going to be a stellar day!