Tuesday, April 30, 2019

cats and dogs

Yoga 🧘‍♀️ this morning then walking on the Greenway. A mile in, it really started raining 🌧 hard. Like cats and dogs so I started for my car. I’ve gotten caught in the rain before but I was more concerned for my car 🚘 as it was thundering and little hailstones were coming down. I finished 5.63 miles mostly at home watching Game of Thrones. My total miles for April: 139.60 miles.
I have an early morning appointment tomorrow and am anxious for a diagnosis.

Sunday, April 28, 2019

weekend mileage

I walked a total of 9.57 miles this weekend. I finished five loads of laundry, watched two movies and a ballgame ⚾️ And attended Saturday evening church. The weather has been cool and very windy. I noticed my first hummer at the feeder this morning and Whitey sunning himself 🌀 taking in all in.
I’ve decided to call the doctor πŸ‘¨‍⚕️ about my knee tomorrow.

Friday, April 26, 2019

henry fonda

I lost my favorite rose 🌹 bush over the winter but we were able to find the same kind at the Amish nursery this week. The blooms are such a buttery yellow. That’s why I’m hoping for days of hot weather; I’m anxious to see it in full bloom.
Besides yoga 🧘‍♀️ I walked 5.13 miles today. My left knee has started to whisper to me. Not a sharp pain or even a soreness but a definite tenderness. I hate to call the doctor because that means I acknowledge that something doesn’t feel right. If it’s still tender on Monday, I’ll call.

Thursday, April 25, 2019

daily miles

It was another overcast morning. I walked 5.50 miles early and made it to yoga.  
Later the sun 🌞 came out and I planted most of my patio containers. It turned out to be a nice day.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

the drycreek

It has been a drippy day weather wise so I walked my entire five miles at home on my treadmill. I wasn’t trying to break any records; my average pace was 14.52.
Later I made it to my yoga 🧘‍♂️ class, bought 🌺🌸 for my patio containers at my favorite garden/nursery center and stopped by Sam’s Club. They have the best blueberries and blackberries in town. 

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

a bit of joy

The weather is decidedly cooler today but I was able to walk most of my miles outside with a sweatshirt. I did clock ⏰ two miles around six this morning on my treadmill watching Netflix. And I made it to yoga 🧘‍♂️ class along with everybody else in town; it was packed!
My total mileage today: 5.22 miles. I saw my first hummingbird 🌳 of the season this morning, a ruby throated sweetheart.

Monday, April 22, 2019

mushroom hunting

I got some walking 🚢 in yesterday walking on the Katy hunting mushrooms πŸ„.
It was a glorious, warm Easter 🐣 Sunday. Along with the mushrooms we also found four different snakes 🐍 but left them alone. 
Today to commemorate Earth Day we are planting our garden in our little plot across the river. I will miss my yoga class 🧘‍♀️ and plan to walk later in the day. My mileage from last week totaled 42.13 miles.

Saturday, April 20, 2019

i ❤️ bunnies

It’s a really beautiful Spring day, 66 degrees and a light breeze. I walked on 3.5 miles on the indoor track and finished up walking 🚢 two miles on the downtown track. There wasn’t a lot going on downtown so it made for a very enjoyable walk. I hit 5,500 miles today. WooHoo πŸŽ‰ 

Friday, April 19, 2019

Hoppy Easter

Today was another very windy day. After yoga 🧘‍♀️ I walked indoors on the track and finished on the treadmill. My total was 5.50 miles, my average pace for the indoor track was 12.22 per mile. Amazing πŸ˜‰!
I also do my grocery shopping πŸ›’ on Friday.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Redbuds are blooming

More redbuds on the trail. It was a crummy day. After yoga 🧘‍♀️ I walked on the indoor track and finished on my treadmill at home 🏑 catching up on some Netflix shows. My total mileage today was 4.56. Temperature was 51 degrees, cloudy and rainy.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Today was a combination indoor and outdoor walk for me. I also lifted weights but I missed my yoga 🧘‍♀️ class again today as I met some friends for lunch. The redbud trees are really spectacular this year. It is 80 degrees; partly cloudy 🌀 and very windy.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019


Today I spent the morning volunteering with my Lutheran lady friends making Braille books to be distributed to blind children all over the world. This is something I have been doing for years. We laugh a lot as we construct these books assembly style. I missed my favorite yoga class but still managed to walk four miles on the Greenway trail. 

Sunday, April 14, 2019


The greedy squirrels 🐿 ate all of the suet yesterday and now we have angry, hungry birds wanting a free snack.

Yesterday was an off day as I hung with friends most of the day. This morning I lifted weights and ran/walked πŸƒ‍♀️four miles on the indoor track. My average pace for this run was 13.53 minutes. How is that even possible for a sixty plus year old woman πŸ‘΅ with a pacemaker?

Friday, April 12, 2019

More about suet cakes

We have gone thru three boxes of suet cakes this winter; this is the last one. When it is gone, we will replace it with a hummingbird feeder.

Today after yoga 🧘‍♀️ I decided to run intervals indoors as the wind was freaky again. I ran five miles in 68 minutes, with an average pace of 13.40 minutes.

Thursday, April 11, 2019


I have nicknames for the squirrels that live in our backyard. Bushy Tail, Nutty Buddy and Whitey Hertzog because of his white ears. They like to help themselves to the suet feeder. We used to grease it up and they really hated that because it made their fur sticky; now we just let them have at it.

Today was a crazy windy day so I walked a combination of treadmill and indoor track for a total of 5.20 miles. Also yoga and weight lifting πŸ‹️.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019


The trees are just beginning to bud out. We’ve had lots of cold weather and a very late Spring. I love walking past this huge moss covered rock; this pic just does not do it justice. I also appreciate a water element while walking.

So that was yesterday. Today I walked on the Greenway and Riverside, along the muddy Mo. I walked 5.33 miles, a yoga class and a trip to Walmart. We’re having stuffed chicken πŸ“ breasts tonight.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

All Wrapped Up

It’s getting a makeover but the rain and high winds we’ve had lately has not helped.  Today is a grand day, after yoga 🧘‍♀️ I drove to the Runge and walked four miles. A big ass wild turkey gobbled right in front of me but I was too slow on the draw and couldn’t get my phone out of my pocket quick enough to get a pic.

Monday, April 8, 2019