Friday, July 31, 2009

My favorite things

Since Oprah has her favorites, I thought I would share some of mine. Torani Sugar-Free raspberry syrup in Crystal Light iced tea, 0 calories and very refreshing. How could it not have any calories?

My new Fitflops at $60 were a splurge but they really do make my feet feel wonderful and I'll
be able to wear them at school this fall.

I really love a luke-warm shower with Aveeno Daily Moisturizing Body Wash. It has some oatmeal in it, very calming.
My hairdresser turned me onto Moroccan Oil. At $38 a bottle it 's a little pricey but a life-saver when the weather is so humid. And the smell is heavenly!!

I walked a total of 70.63 miles for the month of July and that does not include dog-walking. I bought a new, smaller pedometer to wear when I sub, just to see how many miles I accumulate at the end of the day.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Mutant Hen and Chicks

A retired teacher always has a supply of wiggle eyes around the house.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

The Rest of the Story

John, I think I'm going to write another book about how horrible my life is and how my Internet friends have helped me get through it.

Okay Elizabeth, but don't make me sound like a jerk. You know, hooking up with that blond babe was not my idea...and I have gone with you to all your doctor appointments and fed the kids when you didn't feel like it.

Yeah, and at the end of my book I want to mention my new store I'm opening all by myself with no help from you. I hope lots of people are eager to read it!

Friday, July 24, 2009


I started Elizabeth Edward's new book last night. I had watched her interview on Oprah and I was impressed with her honesty. I did not have that same positive reaction when Oprah talked to her husband. Halfway through her book, she has mentioned "the affair" only a few times. Mrs. Edwards lets us know she is still grieving for her son who died in 1996. I don't judge her for this but that's what her first book was about. I have lost both of my parents. I have not lost a child. Also, I don't mean to sound condescending but I feel she is using her family's wealth to advertise her grief. She was a lawyer and she stopped being a lawyer right after his death. For years, she admits, her focus in life revolved around her dead child and keeping his memory alive. Ordinarily, life is not that easy. There are house payments, credit cards, and utility bills to pay. She had the luxury to stay at home and have two more children late in life to fill her home with laughter. Can you really replace one child with another? As far as the book, I am perplexed that it is so similar to the first one or maybe Mrs. Edwards finds it's just easier to write about her dead son rather than a "straying" husband.

Walking Track Two

Some days I walk this track. Imagine this: Last summer I saw a huge swan, made of white balloons, floating in the lily pond. I think they were getting ready for a wedding.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Turn-Around

Two miles down.
Two miles back.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The Prayer

We're getting new neighbors. When we built our house several years ago, the lot was so beautiful and I was so aware of the changes that we were making that I composed a little prayer for it.
Dear Father in Heaven,
We have changed your Earth today. We have uprooted your trees and destroyed your raspberry bushes to dig this hole. Please fill it with your love. Bless the labours of the workers; the plumbers, the brick-layers, the roofers, as they toil to construct a house that will be worthy of this land. Allow them to finish in a timely manner with no injuries, disagreements or cross words. When the time comes, bless the family who will make this their home. May they be happy here and their children and flowers flourish in your love.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Yes underwear! Awhile back I read an article from some fashion magazine that stated the "modern woman" should replace her undies three times a year. Hey folks, that didn't mean "add to the pile." It meant "replace the pile." I don't know what makes a woman "modern" but I would just as soon hold on to my panties longer than four months. What about the economy anyway? I'm proud of the fact that I wear a size 6 and at this stage I rarely step on a scale anymore, my underwear lets me know if I need to cut back on the Dove Bars for awhile. I used to shop at Victoria's Secret, in fact they would occasionally send me a coupon for a "free " pair but after trying several cuts I just didn't like the feel under my clothes. No, I'm a Jockey girl, modern or not. I buy them at the Outlet Mall whenever I feel the urge to "add" to my pile!!

Monday, July 20, 2009


There is a creek behind our house and at times during July or August, I'll fight the weeds and armed with a long stick, poke around in the muck and gravel to see what I can find. I'm lucky, usually within minutes I'll dislodge a specimen. More often than not, it will be broken or a stone discarded before it was completed but because of the particular chipping, I can tell that at one time or another, a human, long ago held it in his hand. I keep everything I find. Sometimes to decorate my rock garden and sometimes just to hide in my pocket to remind of the Indians.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

I Love a Good Mystery

I live at the end of a cul-de-sac. There are no houses with kids around me. The ones at the top of the hill are too lazy to walk down to fetch stray balls. I have a small dog who weights as much as the missing stone. The deer who inhabit the woods surrounding my backyard do, on occasion, wander up for a visit or a nibble, but how could they carry off a 10 pound stone? What do you suppose happened to it?

Friday, July 17, 2009

The Wine-Meister

So Hubby had to leave for a few days and asked me to take care of his wine.
Sure, just what do I have to do?
Take the towel off and check out the "bubbling action."
If it's sticky, take some paper towels and wipe the jug off so it doesn't get the counter messy. FYI, Wine-Mentor told him not to strain the seeds so that's what you see collecting at the top.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Dinner Out

Yesterday was a pretty lazy day but the highlight was dinner at the lake with friends. Hot topics ranged from Barbara Walters comments about the new "Bruno" movie; to starting a new career as a food critic; to Jon Gosselin. We agreed with the Barbara that the movie was trashy. We wondered if you could become a really good critic without knowing all your spices, and Jon Gosselin needs to face reality. He is a father of eight kids and they should be his priority at this time. That's it, world problems solved for this month!!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


I live in the city but believe it or not, I have a "wild" blackberry patch next door. Aren't they gorgeous!! I like to get out early in the morning and pick before it gets too hot/humid. Today I didn't make it. It rained and became sweltering hot immediately after. So the blackberries will stay on the vine and I'll try not to look at them as I drive by.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Butterfly Story

Because I feel that good teachers should be storytellers, I always tried, at least every other day, to tell a story to my students. This is one they enjoyed and asked many questions about. I updated it to make it sound like it happened over the week-end so I could start out by saying "Hey guys, guess what happened to me on Saturday." I love to ride on the KATY and I was on my way back past the river cruising as fast as I could past the cornfields. Because it was late summer the grasshoppers were huge and flying everywhere. Big and brown and rude, I just hate them on a bike, anyway my side vision caught something flying beside me. I knew it wasn't a grasshopper, but I was surprised to see a butterfly, shoulder-level to me. He was quite beautiful, dark blue and outlined in gold. Instinctively, I could sense that this butterfly was racing with me. As I increased my speed, he flew faster. When I slowed down, he did the same. Gosh, I'm racing with a butterfly, I'll remember this forever. After a bit, he was gone. When I got home I looked him up in my Butterfly book and I found out that he was a Mourningcloak. They exhibit territoriality; meaning they will literally chase any invaders away. That's what he was trying to do. "Hey you human, get out of my space!!"

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Henry is puny

My Henry Fonda is somewhat puny this year. He's my very favorite, probably because of the rich, buttery yellow color. Believe me, I've been doing all I can think of to nurse him back to health and he is shooting up a few blooms; that's a good sign. I read in a book that a good dose of bacon grease is a good thing for roses, I'd try it but I'm afraid every dog in the neighborhood would be visiting. Still it might be worth a try...

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The Fourth of July Tomato

Just call me Master Gardener!! Did I not brag that I would have a ripe tomato by the Fourth? Despite the cool, rainy weather that went on forever and being attacked/knocked over by backyard dwelling deer, I predict this beauty will be picked by Saturday. I think a classic BLT(by classic I mean real bacon) is the order of the day.
On another note, I walked a total of 45 and a half miles during the month of June, subbed three days of summer school and started several projects, none of which are finished at this time. But I'm working on em!!
By the way, is anybody reading this blog?