Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Butterfly Story

Because I feel that good teachers should be storytellers, I always tried, at least every other day, to tell a story to my students. This is one they enjoyed and asked many questions about. I updated it to make it sound like it happened over the week-end so I could start out by saying "Hey guys, guess what happened to me on Saturday." I love to ride on the KATY and I was on my way back past the river cruising as fast as I could past the cornfields. Because it was late summer the grasshoppers were huge and flying everywhere. Big and brown and rude, I just hate them on a bike, anyway my side vision caught something flying beside me. I knew it wasn't a grasshopper, but I was surprised to see a butterfly, shoulder-level to me. He was quite beautiful, dark blue and outlined in gold. Instinctively, I could sense that this butterfly was racing with me. As I increased my speed, he flew faster. When I slowed down, he did the same. Gosh, I'm racing with a butterfly, I'll remember this forever. After a bit, he was gone. When I got home I looked him up in my Butterfly book and I found out that he was a Mourningcloak. They exhibit territoriality; meaning they will literally chase any invaders away. That's what he was trying to do. "Hey you human, get out of my space!!"

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