Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Yes underwear! Awhile back I read an article from some fashion magazine that stated the "modern woman" should replace her undies three times a year. Hey folks, that didn't mean "add to the pile." It meant "replace the pile." I don't know what makes a woman "modern" but I would just as soon hold on to my panties longer than four months. What about the economy anyway? I'm proud of the fact that I wear a size 6 and at this stage I rarely step on a scale anymore, my underwear lets me know if I need to cut back on the Dove Bars for awhile. I used to shop at Victoria's Secret, in fact they would occasionally send me a coupon for a "free " pair but after trying several cuts I just didn't like the feel under my clothes. No, I'm a Jockey girl, modern or not. I buy them at the Outlet Mall whenever I feel the urge to "add" to my pile!!

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