Wednesday, June 30, 2010

along the KATY...

One of my favorite rest-stops, Lewis and Clark actually over-nighted on one one the bluffs across the river.

Monday, June 28, 2010

new reads...

Last week I started reading Think Smart by Richard Restak, M.D. In his book, he combines advice culled from cutting-edge exercises to show how individuals of any age can make their brain work more effectively and efficiently.
Since reading it, I have stopped taking a daily multivitamin. I do take an adult aspirin, vitamin D gel-tab, and krill oil. Throughout the day, I chew two calcium tabs.
Yesterday, I started an easy-read, Wesley the Owl by Stacey O'Brien. Stacey raised Wesley, a barn owl as her pet for two decades. I simply cannot put this book down, it is so entertaining. To all animal lovers out there two words: Read it!!

Friday, June 25, 2010

so far this summer...

Three funerals and two baby showers. Memorials were given to:
  1. Carmelite Monastery
  2. Hospice  Compassus
  3. a small Catholic church in Westphalia, Missouri    
Baby shower gifts:   
  1. a Bumbo
  2. a baby bathtub    

Thursday, June 24, 2010

new car?

Last night was a ferocious storm but this morning River City woke up to a bright, sunny day with no humidity. After two days on the treadmill, I couldn't wait to get outside. When I pass this local car-lot, I window shop for my next new car. I like this one, except for the $33,000 sticker price!! So I'll let someone else buy it, then when they get tired of it they can sell it to me at a slightly reduced price!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

chicken salad

Here's a great chicken salad recipe:

  • 1lb. boned, chicken breast
  • 2 stalks celery, diced
  • 1/2 small red onion, julienned
  • 1/2 medium sweet red pepper, julienned
  • 1/2 medium green pepper, julienned
  • 1/2 medium green apple, cubed
  • 3 sprigs basil, chopped
  • 1 sprigs dill, chopped
  • 2/3 cup sliced almonds  
Place chicken, celery, onion, red and green peppers,apple, basil and dill in stainless steel or porcelain bowl.
Toss lightly to mix.

Sour Cream Dressing
  • 1 cup sour cream
  • 2/3 cup Kraft MAYO with olive oil
  • 1 1/2 Tbsp. cider vinegar
  • 1 Tbsp. granulated sugar
  • 1 tsp. minced garlic
  • salt & pepper    
Add sour cream dressing to salad and blend well. Sprinkle with sliced almonds. Makes 6 servings or 3 pounds of salad.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Home gym

I love to get my exercise outdoors but sometimes Missouri weather does not cooperate and today was one of those days. I am fortunate that several years ago I set up a home gym. I bought a Proform treadmill at Sears, there's no reason to buy an expensive model. Hey, they all do the same thing. I also purchased a weigh machine, again it's just a middle of the line model. I have space on my treadmill for my water bottle and of course, my remote. Here's my hint of the day: Purchase several small gel-packs at Walmart, these are made especially for Baby boo boos. I freeze them and stick them in my bra while I'm walking on the treadmill. Even though I have a nice little fan blowing on me, these really help to keep me going.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Today I worked at a local church making braille books for blind second-graders. There were six of us in a small room. Four volunteers took over the task of loading paper into metal jackets, running these through an ancient braille machine, removing the metal jackets and stacking the pages into booklets, and then binding a front and back cover to each book. My task was punching the holes in each page in order to go through the binder. I've actually had experience doing this; as a teacher I put together many kid-made books for my classroom. After binding each book, Mildred signed  Lutheran Braille Workers on the back cover. We made thirty-six books, each with 18 pages. It was about God and forgiveness. These books are shipped to California where they are then distributed all over the world. Afterward we had lunch at Panera Bread, talking about our families and generally solving the world's problems.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

daily walk

Today's supposed to be triple digit hot with high humidity so I was up early for my daily walk. It was actually pleasant at six this morning. I walked a mile to the middle school, two miles on their track, then two miles taking the long way home. I found a heads-up penny on the side-walk on my way back so I'll spend a couple of my "retirement" dollars on lottery tickets.
Here's a true story. We used to have a "naked man" in our neighborhood. I would see him early in the morning, coming back from my walks. I would spot him along the side of his house or in his backyard where he had a really nice pool. A couple of months ago, he and his wife moved to a smaller house on the other side of town. Their house "sold" in about two days. It must of been the pool.

Friday, June 11, 2010

i won a contest!

My sweet hair dresser entered my name in a monthly drawing at her salon and I won some great products: Joico shampoo, conditioner, and styling gel. I will let you know if I like them as I always wait a day or so before I shampoo newly highlighted hair--I think I read  somewhere in a magazine, it helps to retain the color.
I used the deer repellent this morning. I have a feeling it will work, it sure stinks to high heaven--something like real stinky socks or dirty butt smell. You ask how I know? I'm a substitute teacher remember!!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

the war is on...

My rose bushes are stomped down, my day lilies are gone, the pots of petunias are destroyed, the phlox (which I raised from seed) has been devoured. And just to spite me, he actually came up and peed on my front porch. Yes, it happened. As if he were saying, "You can't pull that old egg trick on me." Well, I'll show him. I went out and spent $37.99 on hard core deer repellent. Your salad days at my expense are over big guy.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

ugliest building in town

I appreciate old buildings. This used to be a hotel years ago, then the Baptists bought it and tried to modernize it with concrete stripes. I see now it's for sale. Good Luck trying to get rid of this dog! 

Monday, June 7, 2010

Unwanted Visitors

The neighborhood deer invaded my rose garden over the week-end but I'm such an animal lover, it only caused me mild angst. Still I' m going to douse them in my favorite anti-deer recipe, a couple of eggs mixed in a gallon of water.