Thursday, September 30, 2010

park walk

I walked in the park (across from the Carmelites) today thinking that with all of the trees, it would be peaceful and breezy. It was breezy but the park was full of screaming, laughing children chasing each other with pointy sticks. I kept wondering why they were not in school, then I noticed the bus. I guess they were on a field trip and made a stop at the park to play.
Why is it that kids can be normal at school but when you take them on a field trip they act like wild animals set free from their cages? No joking, I know this happens. Anyway, the kids were corralled and loaded back into their cages, I mean school bus so I was able to finish my walk in peaceful surroundings. I walked the park path nine times which turned out to be 4.6 miles.
Back to subbing tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

andrew carnegie

The old library sets next to the new library. It's an Andrew Carnegie building, now refurbished to house city goverment offices. I took the picture yesterday after I picked up Oprah from the library.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

double point needles

I'm now making a little boy's stocking cap. After casting on three times using circular needles, it just wasn't working out so I invested in a set of DP needles. I think I now have it right. I'm pretty much a self-taught knitter and I'm proficient at making anything flat like blankets, scarfs and numerous dog sweaters. This summer I wanted to tackle something round. I'm thinking a little hat is just the right project since I am picking up the new book about Oprah later today.
 I'll have to post a picture of it when I'm finished, I might even make it striped!

Monday, September 27, 2010

cleaning day

Among other things, I cleaned my front door today.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

chinese take-out

Last night we were hungry for Chinese food so we decided to try the little Chinese restaurant not far from our house. The very nice Chinese lady who took our order explained we should get the combination dinner because it came with egg rolls which we were going to order a la carte. And since I wanted to watch The Event and we both prefer eating at home over eating in a fake Chinese restaurant, we took our order home in a very hot brown paper bag.
The setting switches to the kitchen, hubby enters from another room and sees me using two over-sized oven mitts to get the containers out of the paper bag. They were so hot I couldn't even touch them much less pry them out of the bag. We also discovered that what we had ordered was three times as much as we normally eat, plus egg rolls. What a deal!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

saturday walk

I walked downtown today to enjoy the beautiful flowers around the Capitol and Governor's Mansion. Here is a shot of the mansion facing the Carnahan Memorial Garden. It's actually prettier now as I took this pic several weeks ago. 

Friday, September 24, 2010

things heard or read today...

  • A joke in a third grade classroom:
What do you call a very smart cow? A Cheese Whiz

  • A rap in first grade:
Make a ten. Make a ten.
We know ways to make a ten.
9+1 and 8+2
They have sums of ten. It's true.
7+3 and 6+4
Do you know there are two more?
5+5 and 0+10
Now let's say them all again!

  • A cool book in the library:
The Skull Alphabet Book by Jerry Pallota

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

train depot

The train depot...story later.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

braille day

Today was braille day. A group of five volunteers got together at a local Lutheran church and used an ancient braille machine to put together, assembly line style, a ten page song book, Children Sing. I assembled the pages using a binder and I admit that a few of the books will have upside down pages which I'm sure will cause all kinds of problems when the poor blind children get together to learn a new song. Dear Jesus, I am so sorry. It's hard to produce a book with no words or pictures, just bumps. We made sixty-seven songbooks which will be shipped to a little town in California, then distributed to blind schools throughout the world. 

Monday, September 20, 2010

fainting spell

I have an irregular heartbeat and low blood pressure. Sometimes when not enough oxygen reaches my brain, I faint. This happened yesterday. I usually have about two seconds notice that this is going to happen. I try to set down and put my head between my knees. My husband finds me on the floor, making strange noises. It's very unnerving for him, poor guy. This does not happen often, maybe once or twice a year at the most, and fortunately it only happens at home. When I had good insurance, I always went to the hospital and had a pretty thorough check-up. Now my insurance is not so great and I'm afraid they might cancel me so I don't bother going to the doctor. I buy jewelry instead!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Preschool: days nine and ten

They have to walk down two flights of stairs while hanging onto a railing. At the bottom, they enter a cafeteria in a line, decide between white or chocolate milk, pick up a spoon and fork, napkin and straw. The tray is slightly over their head but they need to pick it up anyway and deposit the silverware and milk on it. They need to carry it to their assigned table and raise their hand if help is needed to open the milk which can be a little tricky for a three year old.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

kindergarten: day eight

I'm tired. I just got back from a three mile power-walk. I cut it short because I have a tummy ache :(  I never get tummy aches, well hardly ever.

I spent the morning subbing in kindergarten. It was the cutest classroom I have ever been in, very colorful and kid friendly. Some teachers just have a knack for decorating. I read an alphabet book about little missing x. He was not in his bed when the other little letters woke up. They hopped on a magic pencil and went looking for him. They spotted him at the castle of Giant M. He was very sad because he felt useless. After all, nobody uses x. The other little letters persuaded him to hop on the pencil and fly home. They used him to represent "kisses" on a birthday cake for Mom. The book was written by Audrey Wood, one of my favorite authors. I'm sorry, the title flew out of my head!

Monday, September 13, 2010

quilting day

The first morning of putting together quilts for Lutheran World Relief. We finished fourteen and made plans to meet again next Monday to pin and sew together backings.

They caught the guy who murdered the little old lady from Sedalia. He was a man that she had known and befriended for nearly two decades. He was arrested Thursday at his Lee's Summit home. She had called him "her adopted son."

My rose garden looks a little wild. Because of the heat wave, I couldn't bring myself to do too much. It's "what you see is what you get!"

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Hallowed Ground

Just like Gettysburg, the Little Bighorn, and Pearl Harbor. And because of the terrible thing that happened there, we need to be mindful and respectful of all cultures and religions. The Muslim community has every right to build their mosque two blocks from Ground Zero. In fact, I feel it would be a good thing. It would show the world how tolerant we as Americans truly are.

Friday, September 10, 2010

subbing : day seven

Remember the shin kicker? I had him yesterday in class. This time I was his teacher. He greeted me with a big hug when he saw me in the morning and I gave him lots of attention and compliments on good behavior. Later in the day I caught him pinching his facilitator but it wasn't me this time.
On another subject, a poor little elderly lady was murdered Tuesday in Sedalia, Missouri, home of the state fair, bad drivers, and Scott Joplin (think rag-time). Some unknown broke out a window in her garage, snuck in and strangled and stabbed her to death. Her neighbor heard her screams and ran to help out but unfortunately was too late. All I can say is there are a lot of mean people in this world.  

Dear Jesus,
We need you more than ever in this world. Please protect and defend us against all evil doings.  

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

progressive not bifocal

Dear Jesus,
Thank you for my new "progressive contacts." I can see better. I can read the newspaper without putting on a pair of glasses. I can enjoy your world and everything in it. The trees are not turning yet but the wildflowers are out in full force. I am thankful that I am alive in 2010.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

just a regular teacher

I was a second grade teacher today, my favorite grade level. What a fun day, the absent teacher left great plans and a boat-load of work to do so everyone worked their little behinds off. No time to get in trouble!
I received my first "silly bandz" today as a gift. Do they cause problems in the classroom? Yes,they are a big distraction. I would outlaw them but of course, I'm just a sub!

Monday, September 6, 2010


I don't usually walk seven miles but today on the trail I met a friend and we talked and walked and by the time I got back to my car, my pedometer read seven miles. Later when I was grocery shopping I heard my maiden name, it happened to be a long ago friend from high school. I was very flattered that she recognized me as I would have never placed her. So yes, taking care of yourself, sunscreen, exercising, avoiding junk and too much sugar does pay off!!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

i almost didn't do it

I almost talked myself out of my walk today, but the weather was absolutely beautiful, mid 70's with a breeze, is this Indian summer? This week I play school two days and on Wednesday I pick up my new bifocal contacts. I want to throw away my readers so I hope that I have good luck and my eyes will adjust to them. I would appreciate any comments and or advice from anyone who has experience with bifocals!

Friday, September 3, 2010

another injury

It's a given that if you work with autistic kids for any length of time you will get hit, kicked, pinched or punched pretty much on a regular basis. If you work with kids in wheelchairs your feet and or toes will get smashed. That's what happened to me today. I wanted to say, "Hey, you damn kid that happens to be my foot you just rolled over." But I didn't. I counted to ten and decided not to say anything.

Dear Jesus,
Help me to remember that it is a privilege to work with these children. By helping them I am serving you. 

Thursday, September 2, 2010

new knitting project

One of the things I wanted to accomplish this summer was to knit something using circular needles. All of the sudden I have the urge to create something so this morning I started a babee blanket, not for anyone in particular. I'm going to make it a little larger and I'll be able to use it when I'm lounging on the couch watching reality TV. I'm kind of selfish that way--if I put lots of time and effort into creating something, I want to keep it. Is anyone else like that or is it just me?