Wednesday, October 20, 2010

george c scott

This morning I was bored with the Today Show so I surfed to the movie channel and found The Changeling with George C. Scott. Filmed in 1976, it was supposed to be spooky but not at all by today's standards. Still, as old movies go, this one did hold my attention. Scott is the main character. He is a music professor who has experienced the tragic loss of his wife and daughter. He takes a new position at a college in Seattle. With the help of an attractive, single realtor, he rents a spooky old house and gets caught up in a murder mystery involving an old man who happens to be a senator and hugely rich.
The movie did a good job of tying it all together at the end and I kind of enjoyed the fact that Scott was a chain smoker, even lighting one up while he was sitting at his piano composing.
It's nice having the time to watch old movies at 9:00 in the morning!

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