Saturday, January 15, 2011

i almost didn't post this

I don't like guns. My husband is a sportsman and he has a shotgun and a rifle that my father gave him years ago. He has them locked away in a gun safe but he does use them because he enjoys hunting. In fact, today he is up north quail hunting, this being the last weekend that bird season is open.
Last Saturday night we were both at home watching television and someone knocked on the door. It was freezing cold at the time. My husband answered and let a young man into the foyer. He wanted to clean a carpet in our house. "You'll be amazed at how clean it will be and it take less than an hour." We wanted to know what he was selling. "Chemicals" he said. He wouldn't be doing the cleaning, but he would call his partners who were in the neighborhood. Due to Sam, our dining room carpet was an ungodly mess. We both eyed each other, let's let them tackle that. We also both knew that they really were selling vacuum cleaners. Ten years ago, a different salesman cleaned our family room carpet and we ended up buying one. It's a very good vacuum, a bit heavy though.
In no time his two hefty buddies showed up and sure enough, carried in the brand new version of "the vacuum cleaner." They agreed that our dining room carpet was a mess but they would try to clean it 80%. The whole process took much longer that an hour. I was miffed because I missed most of 48 Hours, my favorite Saturday night show. They were miffed when they found out that we already had a ten year old version of their vacuum cleaner and we probably wouldn't be upgrading. But they were good salesmen and tried their best. In the end, the carpet is not 80% not even 70, but this spring, we're going to rip it out and replace it with hardwood anyway.
 The next morning I woke up and was shocked to find a pistol laying on the dresser in our bedroom. Of course my husband was "up north hunting at the time." I couldn't believe that he laid a gun on our dresser and who did it belong to? I didn't know he had a handgun, a loaded handgun in our house. He said it was for protection, after all there were three strange men in our house, two of them being rather large. The whole evening was risky and unnecessary. I think from now on, we are just not going to put ourselves into that situation again, no matter how cold it is outside. 

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