Monday, January 3, 2011

kuerig update

In my opinion the Kuerig coffee pot was not "kitchen counter worthy" so it is packed up and ready to be taken back to the store. I like coffee in the morning but I use single-serving packets and water heated in the microwave. I don't need something that doesn't even look like a coffee pot. I don't need to worry about buying filtered water for it, ordering special Kcup size coffee off the Internet and something called "de-scaling" every two or three months. Not for me, I want my life in 2011 to be simpler not more complicated. And that's the way it's going to be with everything I buy this year; if I don't really need it, or if it comes with a warranty, or if I already have a workable one (like the five pedometers that I own) then I'm not going to buy it.

Dear Jesus, Help me be satisfied with what I have and know that it all comes from you.

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