Wednesday, January 5, 2011


I was called to sub this morning but I declined because I have several things I need to do, one of which is paying my taxes. I pay (or prepay if you will) quarterly so this chore rolls around quite often. I will have to pay again in April but maybe not as much because I pay every three months. I used to send my check in the mail with a "stiff" note stating that I did not want my "tax money" used to pay for the Iraq war. I think I might have also included some rude (but true) statements about our president at the time, George Bush. I felt that was my right as a tax-paying citizen. I still am against both of the wars and I still think George Bush is an idiot. However, now I take my check to the IRS office across town. There is an armed guard on duty so I am careful to keep my comments to myself.

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