Wednesday, January 19, 2011

mall walking: day two

I decided to walk at the mall again today. It was after lunch so the crowd at the Senior Center had cleared out. The few old folks that were left were watching a comedian on the big screen tv. They had the volume so loud that everyone one on the Dillards wing could hear his bad jokes. He was talking about Viagra and I did not think he was funny.  Besides walkers, there were a lot of stay-at-home moms pushing little kids in strollers. One little boy was having fun running away and that would make his mom yell at him to come back. I noticed that she called him Joplin. I have never heard that used as a boys name before. There is a town named Joplin so maybe he was born there or maybe it's just a family name. I think you have to be careful what you name your kids.
Snow is coming tonight and if the weatherman is right, we will have seven to eight inches on the ground tomorrow morning. I pray that everyone gets to where they want to go. 

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