Thursday, January 13, 2011

i eat like a kid

That thought just came to me this morning as I was fixing my cherrios, I don't know why but I prefer "kid" food. Cereal or fruit in the morning, I 'm not hungry so I eat what's easiest to fix. Sometimes, I'll feel like toast with peanut butter smeared on top. For lunch, it's varies according to the season; wintertime means either a bowl of soup or a sandwich. When the weather gets warmer, I switch to a salad. For now, I'm addicted to the little single serving size containers of flavored apple sauce which are great for a snack in the afternoon. For dinner I either eat soup or chicken strips with dipping sauce or maybe mashed potatoes with gravy. I usually have a small handful of nuts, almonds and cashews in the evening as well as an orange or an apple. Whether it's good for me or not, I drink Swissmiss "diet" hot cocoa mix, made with hot water, it's only 25 calories and I drink decaf coffee in the winter too. My husband is a workaholic so I'm eating by myself alot. On days that I sub, I pack my lunch or eat their salad bar but sometimes the lettuce is not the freshest, if you know what I mean. I've never figured a calorie count but I eat small portions so it seems to work for me.

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