Monday, March 28, 2011


I've always been fond of the Clintons. Bill was the first president that I really followed and although he has some character flaws, I consider him to be brilliant and he made an excellent leader. Likewise, Hillary is also brilliant and I feel she is doing a remarkable job as our Secretary of State. Now I'm going to put this out there, maybe something weird will happen and she will actually hear about it. Hillary dear, I love you but you need to cut your hair. Oprah looks good with shoulder length hair, so does Candy Crowley (she works for CNN) but not you. Think Diane Sawyer or better yet, Leslie Stahl. Losing a couple of inches would do wonders for your appearence and make you look more youthful, don't we all want that. Oh and by the way, someone should give the word to Maria Shriver Schwarzenegger, What is she thinking!!  

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