Wednesday, March 23, 2011

keeping busy

First of all, I've given up on the pajama project. After two days of cutting out, basting seams, sewing and ripping out, I had to say "enough!" I did get the top together but the armholes were all wrong and the weather was nice and I just didn't want to sew anymore. I'm going to recycle the material into a drawstring bag for either my yarn projects or my walking shoes.
The baby is due any day and I am ready to go back to work for awhile. I bought some new clothes and I am looking forward to being a teacher again. The kindergarten classroom is on one end of a very long elementary school so I'll get plenty of walking in during the school day. Usually I'm walking between 4 and 5 miles daily. By the way, the Bradford pear trees are beginning to bloom here and they are gorgeous!! But oh do they stink!  

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