Thursday, March 24, 2011

two million dollars

They offered him two million dollars to stay but he decided to leave anyway. Why is a basketball coach worth that much money? The whole idea of paying big bucks to sports figures is all wrong, especially coaches at state universities. Teachers are facing lay offs because there isn't enough money to pay their salaries which will lead to overcrowded classrooms and in the end, students will suffer.
 One year I had twenty nine first graders. That was one of the years when we were still  "grouping" and I met with four reading "groups" daily. Oh, I didn't have a facilitator either to help with the "slower ones." They were there, they just weren't diagnosed yet.
When I started teaching, my beginning salary was in the teens. I was single so I lived with my mother and walked to school. A lot of people thought I was one of the students because I looked so young. I loved it!!

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