Wednesday, August 31, 2011

day two, duties

When I sub in one of the autistic classrooms I always assume the duties of an aide. Even if the teacher is absent, the aide assigned to the class will take over the teacher's duties. A facilitator is hired to shadow a student with especially severe problems. I have done that as well. When I work with the autistic kids I never wear my good jewelry. Here are some of my duties:
  • Meet the students getting off the bus and lead them by hand to the classroom.
  • Remind them where their cubby is and assist taking off backpacks. Check inside for notes.
  • Try to get them interested in playing: kitchen, dress-up, crafts, cars and trucks, train set, sensory table, blocks, puzzles and books, and so on.
  • Remind them to focus on Teacher during Group Time. Try to keep them in their seats if they are using chairs. Sing, dance and march with them.
  • Assist with using the bathroom or change diapers/pull ups.
  • Assist with hand washing and snacks.
  • Clean and sanitize tables.
  • Assist on the playground. Make sure they have a helmet on if riding a trike. Watch for any unsafe behavior. Lead them by hand back to the classroom when outside time is over.
  • Assist with backpacks and lead them by hand to their bus.
  • Sweep up glitter, rice, noodles. Get ready for the second group. 

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