Monday, August 8, 2011

mileage and home project

After weeks of crazy hot weather and high humidity I was finally able to walk 5.24 miles this morning on my favorite trail. This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it!
We are finally ready to dig into some of the projects that have been in the planning stages for the summer months. Who wants to do any excess sweating in the Missouri heat if you don't have to, don't you agree? Our first project involves building a stone retaining wall in our backyard to level it out, installing in-ground sprinklers in both the front and back; and instead of a deck, constructing a brick or stone patio along the side of our house. We have lived with a sloping backyard ever since we built this house and at one time had plans to put a pool in but that did not pan out. Maybe a fountain that runs along the side of our new patio?

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