Saturday, June 23, 2012

picture dump

I've taken a break from blogging but I'm still walking, eighteen and some miles so far this week. I have finished reading That Girl (the book about Wallis Simpson, very good if you like history!) and Mrs. Kennedy and Me by Clint Hill, (quick read but just okay). I've also been to the Doctor for a yearly exam. Yuck, now all I have to worry about is the mammogram scheduled for next week. Oh pictures, I forgot!

I declared war on Japanese Beetles and I'm winning!

My stone basket after I replaced the flowers that Babee Deer and his mother ate. Maybe with this hot Missouri weather more flowers will start blooming.

The white trim framing the opening to our new kitchen was installed this week. I like it.

The blackberries up the hill are getting ripe so I've been picking/eating my fill. Lots of fiber you know!

Hubby got back from his fishing trip to Canada. Sam and I are glad he's home!

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