Monday, December 27, 2010

it's down

I have, in the past, suffered from seasonal depression. I think that when I keep myself crazy busy, it's not so bad. I also think just getting older has helped too.
 Today I boxed up all the Christmas decorations and I'm in the process of taking down the tree. It was nice but I want to get back to normal.
 We didn't get as much snow here as the rest of the country, just a little layer of snow arriving on Christmas morning but it's miserable cold outside so my daily walk is going to have to be on the treadmill downstairs. I'm listening to the audio book, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

Dear Jesus, Let Your light shine on me this coming year through my words and actions among my family, friends, and all whom I meet. Be my light and salvation now and forever. Amen

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