Tuesday, December 28, 2010

laura bush

This morning I finished the book, Spoken from the heart by Laura Bush. I am not a big fan of the Bush family, I mainly feel George Bush was not intelligent enough to be our president. I also blame him for misleading our country into the Iraq war. Not only was he a bad president but he also chose less than honorable people to lead with him. After saying that, I spent my time reading Laura's book because; for one reason, she was the First Lady of our country and reason two, I guess I was curious.
The first part of her book details her childhood, the babies that would have been her siblings and how she felt when they died. The tragedy that happened when she was in high school and how running through a stop sign killed a teenage friend. So the first half was interesting. Then her husband becomes president (or steals the election from Al Gore) and she starts to tell every little thing that happens since then.
 Let's just say that at 432 pages, it turned out to be a real snooze.

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