Sunday, December 19, 2010

new computer

My poor eight year old computer got sick and died. We decided to get a new one. I don't know how I feel about a 23 inch all-in-one screen. Since I felt like I was a master of my old computer, now I am a novice again. Okay, I know, I am a grownup and I can learn. On Thursday I was scheduled to sub but school was cancelled that day due to the ice storm. 
On Friday I was called to sub and when I got there I found out we were taking all of the first and fourth grade kids roller skating for their Christmas party. This included several handicapped children and one paralyzed little girl from the neck down.
I wondered at the time how it was going to work out but the kids truly had a blast. They tightened the autistic kids skates so it would be easier for them to get around the rink. We still had to walk with them but that made it easy to see the joy they were experiencing. The kids in wheelchairs put braces on along with their skates.
 I felt like I was a part of something very special and I know I will remember it for a long time. It was Christmas joy for me as well.

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