Tuesday, December 7, 2010

when kids come stinky

What does it mean when little kids come to school stinky in dirty, stinky clothes? We know that mama has not taken the time to help the kid take a bath, clip their grimy fingernails and make sure their underwear is clean. We are not talking war zone here mamas, being clean and in clean clothes should be a priority for you. Your child will be more comfortable at school, he will behave better and he will be a better student because he feels clean. Plus, other kids will want to hang around him and play with him.
 Maybe every school should be equipped with a washing machine and shower facilities. The teachers could just strip the dirty ones down when they get off the bus, shower them, and let them play in fluffy bathrobes while their clothes dry. I really believe that some mamas are just plain lazy when it comes to the well-being of their precious children. It's up to you to make sure they are clean.

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