Friday, June 29, 2012

it's hot

So what else is new! I walked 5.08 miles on Wednesday and 5.22 miles yesterday (Thursday) at the crack of dawn. I stayed in my neighborhood, walked to the middle school track and was back home before it really got steamy. Today I piddled and decided not to push it when it was nine o'clock and I was still in my pajamas. I have learned to be kind to my body and avoid stress whenever I can. Today I am especially mindful of the people and animals living in Colorado. Dear Jesus, You have power over fire and water. Please help the brave firefighters as they battle to get the fire in Colorado under control. Help the little animals find safety and help the people who have lost their homes find a way to rebuild. Thank you for blessing me and my family.  

Saturday, June 23, 2012

picture dump

I've taken a break from blogging but I'm still walking, eighteen and some miles so far this week. I have finished reading That Girl (the book about Wallis Simpson, very good if you like history!) and Mrs. Kennedy and Me by Clint Hill, (quick read but just okay). I've also been to the Doctor for a yearly exam. Yuck, now all I have to worry about is the mammogram scheduled for next week. Oh pictures, I forgot!

I declared war on Japanese Beetles and I'm winning!

My stone basket after I replaced the flowers that Babee Deer and his mother ate. Maybe with this hot Missouri weather more flowers will start blooming.

The white trim framing the opening to our new kitchen was installed this week. I like it.

The blackberries up the hill are getting ripe so I've been picking/eating my fill. Lots of fiber you know!

Hubby got back from his fishing trip to Canada. Sam and I are glad he's home!

Friday, June 15, 2012

swim suit

It was another glorious morning but I had carpenters in the house installing some trim so I couldn't walk. I had time for an extra cup of coffee and read my book. Oh, I also ordered a new swim suit and cover-up. I don't get a new one every year so this is a real splurge. I hope it arrives soon and I hope it fits!

Thursday, June 14, 2012


I walked 5.14 miles yesterday and 5.06 miles today. I also made two appointments, a doctor's appointment and a mammogram. It's so silly. I was without insurance for three years. I would lie in bed at night so scared that I would have an accident or get really sick and when I got to the hospital, they would just close the door on me. Now that I have insurance I really need to take advantage of it and get all those tests that I'm supposed to have. And like all good teachers I schedule all my personal appointments in the summertime!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


I use it every morning. On my face. Just regular honey out of a plastic honey bear. I squirt a quarter size amount in my hand and smear it on my face. Sometimes I wait ten minutes and sometimes not, but I rinse off with a baby washcloth and very warm water. It's easy and my face feels soft and wonderful. Remember, always use an upward motion when rinsing off!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

taking a break

from walking. This is the second day in a row that I haven't hit any trail, except up the hill to walk Sam. When I feel this way I don't force it. I'm keeping busy, just not walking. The baby deer must have connected to it's momma because they found their way into my front yard early this morning and helped themselves to the flowers that I had planted in my stone basket. So that became my first project- to replace the eaten-off flowers with new ones.The nursery has them marked down to half price this week so I wasn't too upset. Tomorrow I need to make my way to the Federal Tax Office on the other side of town to make a quarterly payment. I'll be close to the Conservation Trail so I'll walk there. BTW, the weather here is beautiful!

Monday, June 11, 2012


In church yesterday we heard about praying. Pastor in his sermon mentioned that Martin Luther strongly advised his flock and members of his household to pray at least five times a day, morning and evening and before each meal. In fact, he would not let them eat until they did so. When I heard this I thought about my sweet Grandma from Germany who not only prayed before each meal but also said a short prayer after the meal as well.
My special prayer today is about the little deer that spent the night in the bushes in the front of my house. I'm afraid Sammy scared her out of her hiding place and she jumped off the retaining wall. Please Jesus, she is so tiny. I heard her cry. Please help her find her mommy in the woods behind our house.

Friday, June 8, 2012

the squeeze my boobies prayer reposted

I am so grateful that I live at a time where early detection of breast cancer means a cure. Please give me the courage to endure my boobies flattened out like pancakes. I will be thinking of all those women who died of breast cancer before this wonderful thing called mammography was invented.
I received my friendly reminder in the mail this week that I am due for another mammogram. Yes, it has been in the the back of my mind and I'm trying to work up enough nerve to schedule it. I wrote this prayer last year to help me get through the day. Next week I will call for an appointment. I promise.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

i think we had an ...

earthquake last night. I woke up at 2:30 when the whole house shook. It only lasted a second but it was loud enough to make me jump up! This morning I sprayed and de-budded the roses, got some business done at the bank, walked four miles on the Greenway Trail, bought some snacks at Walmart for Hubby to take on his fishing trip to Canada, picked up a book at the library, That Woman, The Life of Wallis Simpson, by Anne Sebba and hiked it to the little dress shoppe downtown and picked up my new Brighton bracelet that was a replacement for the one that was broken while I was subbing. Thanks Brighton for replacing it at no charge! Finally made it back home for lunch at 2:30. Yes, I was starving!!

Monday, June 4, 2012

german potato salad

I used my new Maytag gas stove for the first time on Saturday. I fried bacon for German potato salad. Mama taught me to flour the bacon first before putting into the skillet, I'm a messy cook anyway! Here's the recipe:


6 medium potatoes, peeled and cubed
6 strips of bacon
2 tablespoons flour
3 green onions, chopped ( I add more)
4 radishes, sliced
I/2 cup water
1/2 cup vinegar
1/2 cup sugar
salt and pepper to taste
(I also add some celery seed although the recipe does not call for it)

Boil the potatoes, drain and cool. Fry bacon until crisp; crumble and set aside. Add to bacon drippings: flour, water, vinegar and sugar. Cook over medium heat and stir until sugar turns clear. In a large bowl, add liquid to potatoes, bacon, onions and radishes. Can be served hot or cold.
This recipe reminds me of my father who always liked it and had quite an aversion to the mayonnaise/mustard kind of potato salad. He also had the same hair line as Mitt Romney but please don't hold that against him!!