Tuesday, December 6, 2011

the ugly cookie

Last night Hubby and I ate leftover chili and baked leb cookies. Last year's batch was very good but lacked in candied fruit as he only dumped in one cup. This year he make sure to put in plenty fruit and walnuts and pecans. So how did they turn out? Not the greatest I'm sorry to say, and I've never seen an uglier cookie. We choose not to ice them as we've found they freeze better naked. Next year instead of our grandmother's recipe we might just choose one from the Internets. Here's a five generation picture that I display in my dining room. That young girl is my mother, the little boy is my oldest brother, my grandmother and her mother are standing and great, great grandfather is seated next to my mother. My grandparents were German Lutherans. I love this picture as it really shows my mother's 'Mona Lisa'  smile.

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