Tuesday, December 13, 2011

third grade

I was called early this morning to sub in third grade. The teacher left a huge pile of work. I just love it when they do that because it keeps the kids busy and I get to blame the teacher. So we read and checked out new library books from the school media center. We played math games on the SmartBoard and practiced their Christmas musical. We had a phonics lesson on "ou" and "ow" and a worksheet on plants and energy. Here's a cute math game to teach rounding: Pass out number cards, 0, 10, 20, 30 to 100. Pass out nine sided dice. With a partner the kids take turns rolling the dice. If the number is 14, they pick up the 10 card. If the 10 card is missing, they can turn the number into 41 and pick up the 40 card. Play continues until all the cards are gone. The kid with the most cards is the winner.

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