Tuesday, December 31, 2013


I have already clocked three miles on the treadmill. Since it is a bright and sunny day out I might walk a fourth in the hood but then again, maybe not. It is 26 degrees now. Tomorrow, New Years Day, is the traditional day that I trim back my roses. I'm hoping for sunshine again. In the meantime, I have been thinking about the time on the Katy when I just happened upon all those catfish. I don't know how many but it sure seemed like thousands. It was a serendipity experience that's for sure. My resolutions for 2014 are to continue with my exercise routine and replace all of my towels. I meant to do that last year and didn't get around to it. I will donate my old towels to the animal shelter here in town.  

Monday, December 30, 2013

getting creative

This morning I walked/ran three miles on my downstairs treadmill while I watched old reruns of The Andy Griffin show on tvland. I walked one mile on the indoor track at the Y because it was my day to lift weights. I also ran a half mile downtown near the library (in 16 degree temperature) but I'm not counting that. I had some other errands to do but made it home around one. I just love a warm house!
 Not for a minute do I take what I have for granted. My family, my health and my comfortable house are all a gift from God. I try to thank Him every day.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

danskin now

Yesterday I walked four miles outside on the Greenway track. Today I walked/ran three miles and ran another mile indoor at the Y. I seem to be falling into that routine and that's okay for the cold months although today the weather was in the 60's, springtime like! This is a pic of me in a tee I bought at Walmart for $6.00. It is a Danskin Now brand. They are very soft and they launder well. They are so cheap and yet they are my favorite tee to wear when working out.

Thursday, December 26, 2013


Today I walked/ran three miles at the Greenway track. It was a little icy in places but I was able to avoid those areas and run in the grass. The temp was low 40's but the sun was shining and the ice on the trees was cracking which in a crazy way was very soothing to me. And of course, I practically had the whole trail to myself. I did my last mile on the indoor track at the Y and then lifted weights. Can you tell that at my last hair appointment I had some bangs cut. 2013 has been a very good year for me. No operations. I bought a new car. I am healthy. I always breathe a little easier in even years. It's an OCD thing!

Friday, December 6, 2013

a strange but true story about luck

Last week I found a four leaf clover. On my living room rug. Sam is low to the ground. When he goes outside to do his business he drags in leaves etc. along with him. It is not uncommon for me to be picking up a stray leaf or twig. But last week I was flabbergasted. There it was; a perfect four leaf clover...on the rug.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013


Yes, we are lucky. The day started out in the mid 60s again but by the afternoon it had gotten considerably colder. Even though we will wake up to freezing temps tomorrow, we will fortunately miss all the ice and snow that was predicted earlier. I have to sub again tomorrow and I have already dug through my stack of wool sweaters and picked out one to wear. During the cold weather months my contacts always make my eyes itch. I use refreshing drops but they are sometimes hard to put in at school. I got a new pair of glasses recently and so I usually just wear these when I sub. They make me feel studious!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013


It was mid 60s today and I was subbing. I subbed yesterday too. After school when I was helping load kids on the bus, I happened to look up at the sky. I saw a sundog and I know what that means: there's going to be a big change in the weather. I need to get myself prepared mentally for the really cold temps.

Sunday, November 17, 2013


As you can see from these pictures; we always have a project going on!

Saturday, November 16, 2013

best laid plans

No walking today. The wind is whipping up something terrible and I just might blow away! I'm kidding but I'm also kicking myself for not getting out earlier when it was reasonably nice. I played lazy this morning and watched a Gwyneth Paltrow movie on HBO channel. I could drive to the Y but I'm not that motivated today to get out and about. In case you are wondering about all those cookies; we end up giving most of them away.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Christmas cookies

Yesterday I didn't walk but I baked Christmas cookies instead. We made the traditional German leb cookie. In past years we have always halved the recipe but this year we decided to do it right and make the whole recipe; 25 dozen cookies! Then I made the Candy Cane Blossoms from Pinterest because they are just so cute. Today I taught second grade.

Sunday, November 10, 2013


The weather here for the past couple of days has been gorgeous. Today I walked four miles on the Greenway trail. I did it in 67 minutes! Okay, I did walk/run intervals but I'm feeling pretty good about the time. On Friday I did the same mileage in 71 minutes, mostly walking. Saturday, as a treat to myself for giving up sugar for nine days straight; I went shopping at the outlet mall and bought some new clothes. Woohoo! God is so good!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

not into fiction

This morning I was back on the Katy. It was cold and I mistakenly thought I had a pair of riding gloves in my car but that was my old car and they were obviously were not in my new car. I made do by pulling the sleeves of my sweatshirt down over my hands. After fourteen miles I managed to warm up. I ate an apple and headed home. I spent the rest of my afternoon reading Gone Girl. Honestly, it's not that great. I'm just not a fiction reader!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013


I heart little boys with glasses! Girls too, they're just so cute!

Saturday, October 12, 2013

forty miles

Yes! Three days of walking four miles each day and two fourteen mile bike rides for a total of forty miles!! I love October weather and I love the St. Louis Cardinals!

Monday, October 7, 2013


I didn't realize it was so windy this morning when I left for my ride but I geared down on my way to Claysville and rode with the breeze on my way back. It was a very enjoyable ride with not too many people on the trail. I saw no wildlife except a granddaddy catfish swimming around in circles in Cedar Creek. And this is a little crazy but I passed a lady pushing a baby carriage; not a stroller especially made for runners but a baby carriage. They were both smiling, mama and baby, I could tell they were into the beautiful morning.
On a sad note, Pinky died over the weekend in Springfield. She was fifty years old which they say is ancient for elephants. Her only child, now eighteen, resides at the Oklahoma Zoo. RIP Pinky!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

a selfie

I was on the trail at eleven and back home at 12:30. It's a glorious summer fall day with temps in the 80s and instead of my usual fourteen miles, I rode twelve. Hubby aired up my tires for me earlier this morning and that made for a very smooth and fast ride. I don't know why I cut it short. I guess I was hungry. I passed about a dozen people but no one passed me. A momma bear turtle was the only wildlife I saw and a few red tailed squirrels jumping out of the way. Here's a monthly selfie  of me taken after I got back.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

all is well

I've been fine. Actually better than fine, I'm all healed from my accident and things are going well. I walked today on the Green way my regular four miles. I was tempted to go to the Katy but its really too crowded for me on the weekends. I've been subbing and doing a little decorating and spending time everyday reading. And celebrating; the Cards are in the playoffs! Go Cards!

Monday, September 16, 2013

amelia earhart

I subbed til noon and paid my quarterly taxes at the IRS office. I stopped by Target and bought a navy blue sweater and a jar of ground flax seeds. I used the weight machines and walked a mile on the indoor track at the Y. I finished Amelia Earhart by Doris Rich. 899 pages. I'm now an expert since that's the third book I've read about her. And the most interesting.

Sunday, September 15, 2013


This is the first day I've been on my bike since my accident. I went to the Katy and although it was busy, I had a great ride. My elbow is still a little sore but I chose not to visit a doctor; I have a general disdain for all things medical. An elbow isn't like a knee which you use all the time and supports your weight. Anyway, the weather is glorious, fall like and I rode my regular fourteen miles. Cedar Creek is my new favorite spot to stop; I saw seven little baby turtles sunning on a log.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


This guy visited me on my garage floor yesterday. I had to take a picture. He didn't stay long; I don't blame him. It was a beautiful day to fly. So yesterday I biked 14 miles and this morning walked four but I got a late start and was dripping with sweat when I finished around noon. Tomorrow I'm planning to go back to the Katy if I don't get called to sub. Also, I'm reading Drunk, Divorced & Covered in Cat Hair. It's hilarious!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

pics from the Katy

It was fun to get to the Katy this morning. The temp was mid 70s; heaven for riding.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

i have a dream

I like how President Carter called him Daddy King and President Clinton said that it shouldn't be harder to vote than buy an assault rifle. Amen on that. And President Obama said that we were all marching; even the teachers who buy school supplies with their own money. Oh yeah, I've done that a lot.
I got called to sub this morning but it was already eight and I didn't feel like rushing around like a crazy woman.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013


We're in the middle of the last heat wave of the summer here. I walked 4.40 miles this morning and finished before nine. I was going to stop at Target but I felt the sweat dripping off my pony tail and decided to head it home. I always have ice water in my car for the drive back home. I've been missing the Katy and was planning to go biking last week but was called to sub that morning. September is almost here; I'll feel more like biking then.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

a beautiful baby

I noticed her the minute I sat down. She had a round little Gerber like face and bright blue dancing eyes that just showed how happy she was to be alive. And her chubby chub legs were kicking up a storm. I couldn't take my eyes off of her. Later when her parents, mama and daddy, got up I noticed that they were not particularly attractive but what you might call very average looking people and that's when it hit me. How could these two people produce such a beautiful baby? God, I'm such a sinner.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

instead of riding

I had planned to ride this morning but instead I spent the day in first grade. First grade teachers work very hard. Let's face it, all teachers work hard but first grade teachers at the beginning of the school year work extremely hard and when you get called to sub in first grade at the beginning of the school year...well, I think I that's the hardest of all. But I got through the day. One kid got sick in the bathroom and another kid pinched her hand between two tables and we had some tears. Oh yeah, I forgot about the kid that picked a scab during calendar and got blood on the new carpet. I wore my new necklace and smiled a lot.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

love locks

Our walking bridge is fairly new so our love lock collection is just getting started.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


Here are the subjects of the books I am currently reading: owls, serial killers, George Washington and the Mediterranean diet. Some of these books are on my Kindle and some are old fashioned turn the pagers. I enjoy having the time to read.

Monday, August 19, 2013


I rode fourteen miles this morning. It was at least three weeks since I was on my bike. I went to the Katy and took some pictures. The kudzu is really out of control.


I came home starving so I fixed a romaine, avocado and tomato salad. With my usual diet Dr. Pepper.

Tomorrow is Braille in the morning and subbing in the afternoon. No riding till Thursday.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013


Remember last year when I had thyroid surgery, one of those neck wrinkles is actually a scar.

Monday, August 12, 2013

bike race

Yesterday when I walked downtown I noticed people everywhere; highly unusual for this town on a weekend. There was a bike race going on. Wow, I was able to take some pics.


Sunday, August 11, 2013

the reason why

I know a case of depression when I see one. And I also know this is the time of the year when it happens to me, just a general down in the dumps feeling that I can't seem to shake off. Is it crazy to say that I am mourning my old car. Also the starting up of school as always been a precarious time  and because I'm a teacher it's somehow worse. I'm going to will myself to go for a walk today, not a fitness walk as fast as you can but a stroll across the bridge and enjoy the surroundings kind of walk. Yesterday when I drove across there was a wonky barge floating down the river and I thought at the time what a great picture it would make. I can feel myself getting back to normal and even posting this is a good sign. Isn't it?

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

a call to sub

My phone rang yesterday or rather chirped ( I have a frog ring tone) and it was the secretary at school asking me to sub. Wow, school hasn't even officially started yet but she knew she needed someone to sub in first grade next week. Sorry to say I had something planned on that day so I had to decline but mentally I am ready to get back to a routine. For the past week or so I've taken a little break from biking/walking/daily exercise. Even though the weather is beautiful sometimes for me it is more beneficial to read books and watch birds out on my patio.

Sunday, August 4, 2013


53: miles on my new car. I'm getting used to it. I miss my little Honda and feel somewhat intimidated by this new one.
12: days till school starts. Since I'm just a sub my preparation is mostly mental. And getting new school clothes!
4.10: miles I walked last week. Shocking I know!
1: bald eagle I saw this morning. I just knew it was going to be a stellar day!

Thursday, July 18, 2013


What I am reading today: The World's Strongest Librarian by Josh Hanagarne. The author grew up as a Mormon and also suffers from Tourette Syndrome. I've always been curious about the Mormon religion and this story explains a lot about it. It is also very humorous.
What I'm watching today: Salmon Fishing in the Yemen on the Movie Channel. I love a good fish story!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

heat wave

We've been smacked by the heatwave and believe me it's not as bad as last year's triple-digit temps but still too hot for riding or walking so I'm getting creative. I'm going to be spending the next two weeks in the pool or by the pool, going to the movies, making button bracelets and buying a new car! Yes, I'm going to test drive a new 2013 Ford Edge! Woohoo for me!!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

years of service

At braille this morning some of the ladies received little silver pins for their years of service. I knew that I would not receive one as I have only been volunteering at this for two years and then only as a substitute for awhile when one of the regulars was out of town or having surgery or something that prevented them from making and putting together little books about God. We do this assembly line style and use plain white paper which we sandwich between steel plates and run through an old wooden machine to make the raised dots and then these pages are put together with plastic bindings. These braille books are then sent to a small town in California to be distributed all over the world. There are six of us in our little group and we work and talk and joke together. I am the only one with a tattoo.

Monday, July 15, 2013


I had a nice weekend but I was lazy and didn't log any miles so I was itchin to get on the trail this morning. I rode my usual fourteen miles. I always stop at Cedar Creek to look for the catfish but I never see more than one or two. I did notice the same family of turtles sunning on stuck-out logs. It still seems unreal that morning when I saw all those catfish. Maybe it will never happen again, but I'm glad I was there that morning to see it. Tomorrow I will help make braille books and Wednesday I'm meeting friends for an extended lunch so no riding till Thursday.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

i searched for it and i found it

I realized yesterday that I didn't know where the key to my safety deposit box was. I started a methodical search for it and I found it this morning. I also found a camera that I had already replaced, two pair of Fossil sunnies, a gift card to Chili's Restaurant, a Walmart gift card, a pearl necklace and about three hundred dollars cash! Sweet!

Friday, July 12, 2013

four miles

I just got finished watering, although I have a hose I still use a watering can for my pots. I was going to ride again this morning but then at the last minute decided to walk instead. That puts me up to 36 miles so far this week. Will probably do the downtown track tomorrow. Love this weather!!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

fourteen miles

It's an absolute beautiful day in Missouri! The temp is low 80s with no humidity! Of course I spent the morning riding. The trail was alittle soggy due to the rain yesterday but it was an enjoyable ride nevertheless. I saw several indigo buntings, one a tiny little critter just trying out his wings, so endearing! Also a female cardinal, bluebirds, crows, starlings and one I've yet to identity. It's not easy to identify birds when you're whizzing down a gravel trail; sort of like texting while driving I imagine. Of course, that's something I never do!

Monday, July 8, 2013

katy pics

This morning I rode my usual fourteen miles. It was hot and humid. My butt was really sore when I got home. I showered and ate a chopped salad in front of the tv. Tomorrow I'm going to walk early at the conservation area on the other side of town and do some birding. 

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

walking in the park

I found myself on the other side of town this morning so I just decided to wear my walking shoes and walk the Memorial Park Trail. Of course, this took me past Mary's grave and across the Missouri River Bridge. There were lots of kids on the bridge so it was a good call to stay off of the Katy today. I walked 4.22 miles and although the temp was in the low 80s the humidity has returned. Hey, I'm not complaining, I'm lovin this weather!
Dear Jesus, Thank you for the countless blessings You have bestowed upon my country. Help me to remember to pray for it as well as President Obama and his family. Bless the many soldiers who are serving our country in faraway lands. May the whole world enjoy the peace that we have here.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

the mammo

The weather here is still glorious, low 70s with a calm wind. I walked 4.08 miles this morning on the Greenway Trail. I could have walked all morning in this delightful weather but I had to get home, shower and hightail it to my appointment. I was going to wear a new dress from Title Nine but then realized that two pieces would be more appropriate since I would have to strip off my top. I wore my white NYDJ Capri pants from last summer and a short denim top from Lands End Canvas. I cheated and used dry shampoo on my hair and just pulled it into a messy pony. The procedure was uncomfortable but it's over for another year and that's a good thing. Later I purchased a new insulated water bottle for my bike at Target. Little things like that make my day!!

Monday, July 1, 2013

back on the bike

This morning I went back to the Katy. The weather was cool, over-cast and windy so I got a good work-out. I rode my regular fourteen miles and was back by noon. Instead of my usual salad for lunch I had a hotdog and diet dr. pepper. I was famished! Tomorrow I am scheduled for a mammogram. Here is my prayer reposted from last year:
I am so grateful that I live at a time where early detection of breast cancer means a cure. Please give me the courage to endure my boobies flattened like pancakes. I will be mindful of all of those women who died of breast cancer before this wonderful thing called mammography was invented.
Here is a pic of the trail head.

Sunday, June 30, 2013


Today I walked 4.34 miles downtown. I like walking downtown on the weekend. It's totally dead and I can act a little silly if I want to. This week I walked/biked a total of 30.52 miles, up from last week when my low was 25. 21 miles. My best week was the second week in June; 37.18 miles. For the month of June I totaled 127.97 miles. I received $661.00 for subbing in May.