Friday, December 31, 2010

greenway walk

Woo Hoo! The wind died down enough for me to walk outside yesterday. The weather was glorious, in fact I was able to walk in just a sweatshirt. It's even nicer today although in some places south of here the television has reported tornadoes. The picture was taken where I park my car, at Washington Park. Last year there seemed to be a huge pile of discarded trees waiting to be shredded. Is that the right word?

I hope to get some new blogging friends in 2011. That would be lovely! 

Thursday, December 30, 2010

winter, snow and scott odell

Winter is my least favorite season and January is my least favorite month. I guess I'm one who only tolerates cold weather and snow. After a day or two, it bores me. The only good thing is I have quite a collection of sweaters and I do enjoy wearing them.

 When I was teaching full time, January was the month I would start reading aloud the classic Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scott ODell. I would read a chapter or two a day and my second graders always begged me to read more. Sometimes, one or two students would check out the book from the school library and read along with me. Reading that book always made the month go by faster for some reason.

The end of the year always makes me grateful for what I have, the love of my little family and of course, my health. I am thinking about finding a new doctor and scheduling a wellness checkup for sometime in the new year. I am ashamed to say that it has been several years since my last checkup so this is something that I seriously will do. Also, I have cut way down on my sugar intake and will continue that as well.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

winter scene

This pic (which I took yesterday) shows the amount of snow on the ground. The scene reminds me of a Will Moses painting with all the little houses in the background.
I'm alittle bummed today as my new computer is having some technical issues and my new Keurig coffee pot is not working. That's why you should always save receipts!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

laura bush

This morning I finished the book, Spoken from the heart by Laura Bush. I am not a big fan of the Bush family, I mainly feel George Bush was not intelligent enough to be our president. I also blame him for misleading our country into the Iraq war. Not only was he a bad president but he also chose less than honorable people to lead with him. After saying that, I spent my time reading Laura's book because; for one reason, she was the First Lady of our country and reason two, I guess I was curious.
The first part of her book details her childhood, the babies that would have been her siblings and how she felt when they died. The tragedy that happened when she was in high school and how running through a stop sign killed a teenage friend. So the first half was interesting. Then her husband becomes president (or steals the election from Al Gore) and she starts to tell every little thing that happens since then.
 Let's just say that at 432 pages, it turned out to be a real snooze.

Monday, December 27, 2010

it's down

I have, in the past, suffered from seasonal depression. I think that when I keep myself crazy busy, it's not so bad. I also think just getting older has helped too.
 Today I boxed up all the Christmas decorations and I'm in the process of taking down the tree. It was nice but I want to get back to normal.
 We didn't get as much snow here as the rest of the country, just a little layer of snow arriving on Christmas morning but it's miserable cold outside so my daily walk is going to have to be on the treadmill downstairs. I'm listening to the audio book, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

Dear Jesus, Let Your light shine on me this coming year through my words and actions among my family, friends, and all whom I meet. Be my light and salvation now and forever. Amen

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

not a foodie

Last night my hubby needed a cheese ball so I found this simple recipe a friend gave me recently.

French Quarter Cheese Ball

2 pkgs. (8 oz) cream cheese, softened
2 Tablespoons grated onion
2 teaspoons minced garlic ( I used garlic powder instead)
1/4 cup butter
1/4 cup brown sugar 
1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
1/2 teaspoon mustard
1 cup chopped pecans, toast these

In a small bowl, combine the cream cheese, onion and garlic. Transfer to a serving plate, shape into a round 6" disk. Set aside.

In a small saucepan, combine butter, brown sugar, Worcestershire sauce, and mustard. Cook and stir over medium heat for 4-5 minutes until sugar is dissolved. Remove from the heat; stir in pecans. Cool slightly. Spoon over cheese mixture. Serve with crackers. 

Like I said, I'm not a foodie, but I can handle easy, simple recipes and this one is especially yummy.

Monday, December 20, 2010


Here's what I'll be serving Christmas eve.
  • Smoked brisket
  • Rotel with sausage bits
  • Party potato casserole
  • Spinach artichoke dip
  • Stuffed mushrooms
  • Pecan pie
  • Rolo pretzel delites
  • Pretzels with white chocolate and peppermint
Spinach Artichoke Dip

1 package (8 ounces) light cream cheese, softened
1/4 cup light mayonnaise
1/2 cup finely grated Parmesan cheese
2 medium garlic cloves,minced
1/2 teaspoon dried oregano
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
1 can (4 ounces) artichoke hearts, drained and coarsely chopped
1 package (10 ounces) frozen chopped spinach, thawed and squeezed dry
3/4 cup grated mozzarella cheese

Adjust oven rack to lower-middle position and heat oven to 400 degrees. Coat a 7-8 inch decorative baking dish with vegetable oil cooking spray.
Mix cream cheese, mayonnaise, Parmesan, garlic, oregano, salt, and pepper in a medium bowl until well combined. Stir in artichokes and spinach. Turn into a prepared pan, top with mozzarella, and bake until heated through, about 20 minutes. Leaving pan on lower rack, turn oven to broil and continue to cook until cheese is spotty brown, 2-3 minutes longer. Let cool for a couple of minutes before serving.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

new computer

My poor eight year old computer got sick and died. We decided to get a new one. I don't know how I feel about a 23 inch all-in-one screen. Since I felt like I was a master of my old computer, now I am a novice again. Okay, I know, I am a grownup and I can learn. On Thursday I was scheduled to sub but school was cancelled that day due to the ice storm. 
On Friday I was called to sub and when I got there I found out we were taking all of the first and fourth grade kids roller skating for their Christmas party. This included several handicapped children and one paralyzed little girl from the neck down.
I wondered at the time how it was going to work out but the kids truly had a blast. They tightened the autistic kids skates so it would be easier for them to get around the rink. We still had to walk with them but that made it easy to see the joy they were experiencing. The kids in wheelchairs put braces on along with their skates.
 I felt like I was a part of something very special and I know I will remember it for a long time. It was Christmas joy for me as well.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

the gift exchange

I'm working as a facilitator this afternoon then going to a Missionary Society Christmas party at church. They are having a $10 gift exchange after the dinner. I bought a Hallmark ornament, the one called Season's Treatings, a miniature muffin tin with six mouse size decorated muffins on top.
 I always feel strange at a gift exchange, thinking that what I am bringing is not good enough, or maybe I'll get stuck with a horrible gift not worth dragging home. I could have avoided the whole party and stayed home tonight but I'm a grownup now and I can deal with this.
Dear Jesus,
Help me to remember that Christmas is all about celebrating Your birth and not stressing out about exchanging $10 tree ornaments.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

me day

It's all about me today, keeping busy running some errands and doing some last minute Christmas shopping. As you can see my other cactus has bloomed but only a few at the bottom. Oh well, I'll take that as a good sign and maybe next year it will reward me with blooms all over.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

when kids come stinky

What does it mean when little kids come to school stinky in dirty, stinky clothes? We know that mama has not taken the time to help the kid take a bath, clip their grimy fingernails and make sure their underwear is clean. We are not talking war zone here mamas, being clean and in clean clothes should be a priority for you. Your child will be more comfortable at school, he will behave better and he will be a better student because he feels clean. Plus, other kids will want to hang around him and play with him.
 Maybe every school should be equipped with a washing machine and shower facilities. The teachers could just strip the dirty ones down when they get off the bus, shower them, and let them play in fluffy bathrobes while their clothes dry. I really believe that some mamas are just plain lazy when it comes to the well-being of their precious children. It's up to you to make sure they are clean.

Monday, December 6, 2010

tis the season

Christmas joy is sitting with third graders in a crowded gym watching one hundred little kindergarteners shaking bells and rocking out the tune Feliz Navidad.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

santa is a janitor

I got a late call yesterday to sub at the pre-school. These kitties are three and four years old and qualify because of low income. They stay all day, interact with other kids and get to play with some pretty cool toys.
 I missed breakfast but I saw him at lunch.
First the white, curly beard and hair sticking out from under a gray baseball cap immediately caught my eye. Stocky built and short stature, yes, that's a nice way to say he would fit in a red Santa suit. He was the cleaner upper, and believe me, with ninety plus kids eating chili and chocolate milk, he was a busy man. But he was grinning all the while and you could tell that he really liked his job. Oh, his name was Roger, but that could be an alias!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

maternity leave

I'm not working quite as much, the reason is that I accepted a six week subbing assignment next spring, April 12 to be exact. I will be taking over for a sweet kindergarten teacher who is having her first baby that day. Who knows, it may even come a bit early.
I am only allowed to sub a specific number of days as going over that number will mess up my "teacher retirement." I certainly don't want to do that!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

i q

I worked in one of the autistic classrooms yesterday and overheard a discussion about how autistic kids are placed in our school district. With a disability, they are qualified to start school at age three. They are pulled out for speech and physical therapy daily. By age five the school district has determined an IQ score. At 40 or below, the five year old will transfer to a state school. From 41 to 70, the student qualifies for the EMH (educational mentally handicapped) classroom in our school district. At a score of 71 or higher, the student is mainstreamed into a regular classroom. He or she will still receive speech and physical therapy on a regular basis although not daily. Sometimes a facilitator is necessary to keep the student in the classroom. 
The general public should know that is why public education is so expensive. Every child deserves to be educated and for some of them, it is pricey. 

Monday, November 29, 2010


It's a gloomy overcast day. I didn't get called to sub so I put out a few Christmas decorations. I plan to spend the afternoon reading The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet's Nest.This is the first fiction book for me in a long time, but I have to say I am enjoying it. I like a long thick book with a lot of characters.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

martha stewart ornament

a Martha Stewart ornament I made with second graders

Today's a beautiful day and I'm not going to waste it crowded into a germy old mall. I haven't walked since my illness and I suddenly have a burst of energy that I don't want to waste shopping. Besides, It's not even December yet.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

thanksgiving prayer

God, the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, You looked upon all that You created and declared it good. Grant that I might regard your creation with esteem and appreciation, seeing You at work in every daily operation. Help me to give thanks as I recognize Your loving work in all abundant blessings. Most of all, let me see not only Your creation but also its redemption, through Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

winning ticket

Yes! I'm going to the lottery today to cash in my winning ticket! If I had one more number I could have won really big, 2.1 million dollars. Still I won what I consider a sizable amount and for a poor substitute teacher, the unexpected win is quite thrilling!

Monday, November 22, 2010

cacti and prayer

One is blooming, one is not.

Dear Jesus, Great Physician of both body and soul, thank you for restoring my health. I'm eighty percent!

Friday, November 19, 2010

did you miss me...

Wow, I feel like I'm finally back among the living! After a bout of walking pneumonia and stomach flu I've been camping out on the couch for awhile.
 When I get the flu I always get dizzy and pass out. Yesterday, I was letting the dog in and down I went, right in the middle of the foyer... so I have a sore head, bruised elbow, and purple tongue from biting it as a result of the fall. I hate being sick. And I had to cancel a day of subbing in my favorite second grade classroom today.
But I got to watch Oprah's Favorite Things show while sipping chamomile tea and munching on oyster crackers and I started reading a new book, Adventures in Yellowstone by M. Mark Miller.  

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

six syllables

staying in
cough cough cough

Monday, November 8, 2010

geo boards, day 22

I was very impressed, three and four year olds playing and making shapes with geo boards and rubber bands. I can remember using geo boards with second graders and they were either not interested or extremely bored  (no pun intended!) with the whole concept of making shapes with rubber bands. Why not shoot it across the room, maybe somebody will shoot it back to me. 
We also stomped feet to High Stepping Horses and pounded golf tees into a huge pumpkin left over from Halloween.
You could almost forget the fact that most of them are non-verbal, wear pull ups and are diagnosed autistic.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

poppy seed bread

  • 3 eggs
  • 2 1/4 cup sugar
  • 1 1/2 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1 1/2 to 2 tablespoons poppy seed
  • 1 1/2 teaspoon almond flavoring
  • 1 1/2 teaspoon butter flavoring
  • 1 1/2 cup milk
  • 1 1/8 cup oil (canola or whatever)
  • 3 cups flour    
  • 1/2 teaspoon butter flavoring
  • 1/2 teaspoon almond flavoring
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1'4 cup orange juice
  • 1/2 cup sugar
Combine eggs, sugar, vanilla, salt and baking powder. Mix well. Add poppy seed, flavorings, milk and oil. lightly grease 3 eight inch loaf pans (use whatever size, it doesn't matter). Add flour, a cup @ a time. Fill pans 2/3 full. Bake at 350 for 1 hour. Cool. Mix glaze ingredients together well, then drizzle over the loaves.

This is a recipe that I received from a fellow teacher (a Baptist minister's wife) years ago. I like it because it does not have lemon in it. Today I have to make it for something going on at church which proves I really have turned into my mother!

Friday, November 5, 2010

being honest

Next Monday Matt Lauer is going to interview George Bush. I must find something else to do that day.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


It's sunny outside today but the wind is so whippy I just feel like staying put. I was called earlier to sub at the preschool but I declined because it's not how I planned to spend this day. Yesterday I picked up five books from the library, Dewey's Nine Lives by Vicki Myron among them. Since the first book about Dewey is my all-time favorite animal book I knew that I wanted to spend the day reading the second one written about him. I've always been fond of animals but I think as I've gotten older, I'm just nuts about them. Like that commercial on television where the polar bear travels to suburbia to hug the man who is driving the new all-electric car. Bears, especially polar bears, I can't get enough of them. Is anybody else like that? 

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

third grade: day 21

What can I say, any day I'm standing in front of a classroom full of sweet kids I feel like a teacher again. My favorite thing was sharing the book, Two Bobbies, written by Kirby Larson. This book is about a dog and a cat who survive Hurricane Katrina. They rely on each other and although the story does have a happy ending there are some sad parts as well. I warned the kids that I may cry at the end if the two Bobbies don 't make it but I was able to hold it together.
I almost cried earlier in the day when I looked down and discovered my new Barse bracelet was missing. I found it later on the parking lot.
Thank you Jesus for helping me find my new bracelet. Thank you for allowing me to help third graders learn today.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

me day

When I'm not scheduled to sub I tend to spend my days just doing "me" things, like watching Martha Stewart make a Mississippi Mud Pie, or pulling on my silk underwear and going for a long hike in the woods. Sometimes I crave a day without words or explanations about why I'm doing what I'm doing.
I do have to remember to vote though. This is the day that River City decides whether to go "smoke-free." I hope it passes!

Monday, November 1, 2010

the giants

The San Francisco Giants are up against the Texas Rangers in the World Series this year. The Rangers were once owned by George Bush, that means that I am pulling heavily for the Giants to win! Go San Fran! Beat their pants off!

Sunday, October 31, 2010


In 1516,  Johann Tetzel, a Dominican friar and papal commissioner for indulgences, was sent to Germany for the Roman Catholic Church to raise money to rebuild St. Peter's Basilica in Rome.
The theology was that faith alone could not justify man, so charity and good works were expected. The church suggested that benefits of good works could be obtained by donating money to the church.
With these concerns about how the Roman Catholic Church was conducting church business with the people, mostly raising funds, Martin Luther wrote a letter of protest to the Archbishop of Mainz and Magedburg on October 31, 1517.
He included a copy of his "Disputation of Martin Luther on the Power and Efficacy of Indulgences" which today is known as The 95 Theses.
And the Reformation followed.

Heavenly Father, We thank you specifically for Martin Luther, who shared with the Church Your lost words of grace. Send your Spirit today so that we who are often blind to You may hear You say, "Let there be Light!" Open our eyes to see, our ears to hear, and our hearts to believe.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

new favorite old movie

I watched another old movie yesterday, The Razor's Edge, filmed in 1984 with Bill Murray playing the main character, Larry Darrel, who goes from World War 1 to a coal mine in the Himalayas seeking inner peace.
It was a great film and reminded me of my grandfather who fought in WW1 and was wounded in France. He eventually came home to Missouri and died of his war injuries. My mother was eight.

Friday, October 29, 2010

balloons for elizabeth

They launched pink and purple balloons this week for nine year old Elizabeth who died a year ago this month. Actually she first went missing until the fifteen year old neighbor girl confessed to luring her into the woods behind her house, stabbing and killing her, then burying her in a grave she had dug the day before when she ditched school.

Dear Jesus, I didn't know Elizabeth but from her picture she had a beautiful smile. She didn't need to die such a violent death.
Just as I believe in you, I also believe there is a devil and he does evil deeds in this world. Please protect us from those that wish to harm us.
The fifteen year old girl who is in jail now needs your help more than ever. She cannot take back what she did but she can come to know you and ask for your forgiveness.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

really good pumpkin cake recipe

1 large 29 oz. can pumpkin
1 box yellow cake mix
1 cup milk
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 cup melted butter
1/8 teaspoon cloves
1/2 teaspoon salt
3 eggs
1 cup sugar
1/4 teaspoon ginger
1/8 teaspoon nutmeg

Prepare pumpkin mixture in a 9" by 13" cake pan. Sprinkle yellow cake mix over pumpkin mixture. Melt butter, pour over yellow cake. Bake @ 350 for one hour. Top with whipped cream or Cool Whip.

I had a taste of this cake one morning in kindergarten, the kids were actually snarfing it down. It was so good I had to ask the teacher for the recipe. Instead of all the spices, I'm going to use "pumpkin pie spice."

Monday, October 25, 2010

second grade, jungle theme

Before school, the quietest part of the day...

Friday, October 22, 2010

another movie

I watched another movie this morning, actually it was a documentary called Touching the Void. It was about two British mountain climbers Joe Simpson and Simon Yates who are climbing in the Andean mountains in 1985. Joe falls into a deep crevasse and Simon ends up cutting the rope and leaving him. He makes it down the mountain thinking that his friend Joe has  perished. Well, because Simon cuts the rope he was attached to, Joe ends up crawling his way back to base camp and his friend. It was so good I would like to see it again, since I missed the first part. Be prepared to hear the "F" word alot especially after Joe falls into the crevasse and thinks he's a goner.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

walking downtown

The Capitol, taken from a parking lot.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

george c scott

This morning I was bored with the Today Show so I surfed to the movie channel and found The Changeling with George C. Scott. Filmed in 1976, it was supposed to be spooky but not at all by today's standards. Still, as old movies go, this one did hold my attention. Scott is the main character. He is a music professor who has experienced the tragic loss of his wife and daughter. He takes a new position at a college in Seattle. With the help of an attractive, single realtor, he rents a spooky old house and gets caught up in a murder mystery involving an old man who happens to be a senator and hugely rich.
The movie did a good job of tying it all together at the end and I kind of enjoyed the fact that Scott was a chain smoker, even lighting one up while he was sitting at his piano composing.
It's nice having the time to watch old movies at 9:00 in the morning!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

class list

  1. the misshapen head
  2. the poor starving little kid
  3. little miss america
  4. the artist
  5. shy boy
  6. fashion plate (new clothes and shoes everyday)
  7. little mister anti-social or come near me, I'll spit on you
Teachers who work daily with autistic kids are the true heroes of this world.

Sunday, October 17, 2010


I don't know the history of it, I just think it's a classy old building on Main Street.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

fridays lunch

Jack, the fattest roundest kid in second grade, enjoys bringing his lunch from home. On Friday he brought two big gas station donuts, a bag of BBQ potato chips and a Snickers candy bar. Jack's parents are fat round too.

Friday, October 15, 2010

day 17

When a student has been rude and disrespectful to his teacher all day that usually means that he has learned that behavior at home. He has grown up listening to his parents being rude to each other and also to him.
 Teachers have so much on their plate. They need to cover the curriculum in creative ways, strengthen study and organization skills, and how to work efficiently in a group. Basic rules about behavior should be taught at home.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

dream and book review

I've always been able to remember my dreams and last night I had a strange one. I was coming out of a bar in downtown River City and I couldn't locate my black hatchback car. In the real world, I don't drink alcohol and I drive a white Boxy-shaped Honda. Back to the dream. a small boy comes running up to me and announces that he knows where my car is. He points to a large wooden garage with a door covered with chains and padlocks. No problem, I just used the super-powers that I possess and kicked open the door. Inside was a skinny man dismantling cars. I asked for his help in finding my car. Later, I was sitting in a restaurant eating with family members and the skinny man appears with a huge triple- decker chocolate ice cream cone. He has found my car and I follow him to the parking lot but first, I eat the ice cream cone.

This has nothing to do with the dream, but I am reading No Way Down by Graham Bowley.
It is the story of the tragic 2008 K2  ascent that claimed the lives of eleven climbers. It is fascinating, especially if you enjoy reading books about mountain climbing. 

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

the miners

It's nice to focus on the miners today and not the war in Afghanistan or the political debates or whether or not we want to ban smoking in restaurants (a local issue).

Dear Jesus,
We know that a lot of smart people from all over the world gathered together to rescue these miners today but really it was you answering all those prayers that made it happen. What a wonderful God you are!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

rain and hail

I got caught in a thunderstorm today. I was about a mile from my car when it started.The sky got dark purple so I knew something was up. I didn't mind getting wet. As a matter of fact, the raindrops felt rather invigorating. Then it started to hail and I got worried; not about me but my little nine-year-old car was out in the open. What to do? I decided to chance it and make my way back home. I swear the hailstones were marble-sized, not huge but I have never been in a car while they were shooting down all around me. By the time I reached my garage, the sky was blue again and it looks my car withstood any damage... all the more reason why I love it!

Monday, October 11, 2010

the old state pen

 I tried to get a picture of the new federal courthouse that is being built on the grounds of the old state penitentiary but I could not get to it because the streets are currently under construction. I took a picture of a lookout tower on the wall of the old prison and the house across the street. The house was originally built by prisoners and was at one time, the home of the warden and his family. It was later occupied by a law firm and now it's for sale.

The area around the old prison is nice and flat and a great place to walk. Plus, I enjoy the history of it!

Saturday, October 9, 2010


Instead of a daily multi vitamin, here's what I take:

  • one Lil Critter Vitamin D gummy bear
  • one timed release B12 vitamin
  • one generic regular strength aspirin
  • one omega-3 Krill oil (hey, it keeps the whales alive)
  • one one-per-day Omega-3 fish oil
  • one alpha lipoic acid capsule
  • maybe another gummy bear
I also drink 8 ounces of generic vegetable juice and plenty of Diet Blueberry Pomegranate juice (Ocean Spray). I try to eat a daily banana and snack on almonds and cashews.

Friday, October 8, 2010


A fountain on the grounds of the Capitol

Thursday, October 7, 2010

second grade: day 15

I love second grade. I love it because the kids are like little sponges and it's so fulfilling to know that I played a small part in all this learning that's going on. Anyway, this morning we took part in " Read for the Record Day." The book that was chosen was The Snowy Day by Esra Jack Keats, not one of my favorite authors but we talked about the characters and why the snowballs melted when he brought them into the house.

The second book we read together was more enjoyable. It was Read all about It! by Laura Bush and Jenna Bush Hager. When I asked why Laura Bush is famous, no one could tell me. I told them that she was married to someone very famous and they guessed Kyle Bush, who is big in NASCAR. Then they started getting silly and guessed all kinds of crazy things like Brittany Spears mother. I ended up telling them that Laura Bush was married to a former president. The story held their attention and Denise Brunkus did a great job illustrating it. I hope that Mrs. Bush and her daughter actually wrote this book. It would be dishonest if someone else wrote it for them.

We finished the day with a movie, The Magic School Bus Gets Planted. I love Ms. Frizzle too!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

steam train

The world's largest operating steam locomotive rolled into town yesterday. It's on a six-state, 2,200 mile tour from Cheyenne, Wyo. to Gorham, Ill. to celebrate railroad heritage.

I was somewhat disappointed. I thought it would be an "old-time" steam engine. It wasn't.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Enough of sweat pants and flannel shirts. I pulled on my walking clothes, my new Asics gel shoes and my two pedometers (Yes, I wear two, it's an OCD thing) and walked this morning in my neightborhood. I always do a couple of miles on the middle school track. 
As you can see, the leaves are just beginning to turn.
Dear Jesus,
Thank for this glorious October morning. Help me to remember always, "This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us be glad and rejoice in it."

Monday, October 4, 2010

i finished it

I had a late phone call last night to sub today but I pushed the "star" button, which how I  "decline" for the day. Did I feel guilty? A little, but I spent most of of my day in a flannel shirt and sweat pants reading Oprah. I'm glad I finished it, as I had contemplated returning it to the library two-thirds unread. It did get better and I found myself intrigued by some of the weird facts about her. I don't think about Oprah as being ultra-rich, but  the book really brings out the fact that she loves all of her "billions" and how she lavishes it on herself and Gayle, her BFF.
So if you are an Oprah fan, do what I did, check out this book at your local library, no need to buy it!

Sunday, October 3, 2010


Oprah by Kitty Kelley has turned into somewhat of a snooze but I'm going to finish it anyway. The author makes her out to be a real money grabbing, ego-maniac. It's over 400 pages and I'm only on 132 so hopefully things will pick up soon. I'm not scheduled to sub till Wednesday so I might be doing some marathon reading to finish it.

Friday, October 1, 2010

subbing: day 14

In kindergarten the class made banana bread muffins and read a story about the little red hen.
 In first grade the class wrote stories using onomatopoetic words; words that are the sounds they make, like beep or chirp.
In second grade the class played a new song using drums and maracas. They also celebrated a birthday with juice boxes and cosmic brownies. I had forgotten this but second graders love cosmic brownies, it's their favorite classroom treat!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

park walk

I walked in the park (across from the Carmelites) today thinking that with all of the trees, it would be peaceful and breezy. It was breezy but the park was full of screaming, laughing children chasing each other with pointy sticks. I kept wondering why they were not in school, then I noticed the bus. I guess they were on a field trip and made a stop at the park to play.
Why is it that kids can be normal at school but when you take them on a field trip they act like wild animals set free from their cages? No joking, I know this happens. Anyway, the kids were corralled and loaded back into their cages, I mean school bus so I was able to finish my walk in peaceful surroundings. I walked the park path nine times which turned out to be 4.6 miles.
Back to subbing tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

andrew carnegie

The old library sets next to the new library. It's an Andrew Carnegie building, now refurbished to house city goverment offices. I took the picture yesterday after I picked up Oprah from the library.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

double point needles

I'm now making a little boy's stocking cap. After casting on three times using circular needles, it just wasn't working out so I invested in a set of DP needles. I think I now have it right. I'm pretty much a self-taught knitter and I'm proficient at making anything flat like blankets, scarfs and numerous dog sweaters. This summer I wanted to tackle something round. I'm thinking a little hat is just the right project since I am picking up the new book about Oprah later today.
 I'll have to post a picture of it when I'm finished, I might even make it striped!

Monday, September 27, 2010

cleaning day

Among other things, I cleaned my front door today.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

chinese take-out

Last night we were hungry for Chinese food so we decided to try the little Chinese restaurant not far from our house. The very nice Chinese lady who took our order explained we should get the combination dinner because it came with egg rolls which we were going to order a la carte. And since I wanted to watch The Event and we both prefer eating at home over eating in a fake Chinese restaurant, we took our order home in a very hot brown paper bag.
The setting switches to the kitchen, hubby enters from another room and sees me using two over-sized oven mitts to get the containers out of the paper bag. They were so hot I couldn't even touch them much less pry them out of the bag. We also discovered that what we had ordered was three times as much as we normally eat, plus egg rolls. What a deal!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

saturday walk

I walked downtown today to enjoy the beautiful flowers around the Capitol and Governor's Mansion. Here is a shot of the mansion facing the Carnahan Memorial Garden. It's actually prettier now as I took this pic several weeks ago. 

Friday, September 24, 2010

things heard or read today...

  • A joke in a third grade classroom:
What do you call a very smart cow? A Cheese Whiz

  • A rap in first grade:
Make a ten. Make a ten.
We know ways to make a ten.
9+1 and 8+2
They have sums of ten. It's true.
7+3 and 6+4
Do you know there are two more?
5+5 and 0+10
Now let's say them all again!

  • A cool book in the library:
The Skull Alphabet Book by Jerry Pallota

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

train depot

The train depot...story later.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

braille day

Today was braille day. A group of five volunteers got together at a local Lutheran church and used an ancient braille machine to put together, assembly line style, a ten page song book, Children Sing. I assembled the pages using a binder and I admit that a few of the books will have upside down pages which I'm sure will cause all kinds of problems when the poor blind children get together to learn a new song. Dear Jesus, I am so sorry. It's hard to produce a book with no words or pictures, just bumps. We made sixty-seven songbooks which will be shipped to a little town in California, then distributed to blind schools throughout the world. 

Monday, September 20, 2010

fainting spell

I have an irregular heartbeat and low blood pressure. Sometimes when not enough oxygen reaches my brain, I faint. This happened yesterday. I usually have about two seconds notice that this is going to happen. I try to set down and put my head between my knees. My husband finds me on the floor, making strange noises. It's very unnerving for him, poor guy. This does not happen often, maybe once or twice a year at the most, and fortunately it only happens at home. When I had good insurance, I always went to the hospital and had a pretty thorough check-up. Now my insurance is not so great and I'm afraid they might cancel me so I don't bother going to the doctor. I buy jewelry instead!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Preschool: days nine and ten

They have to walk down two flights of stairs while hanging onto a railing. At the bottom, they enter a cafeteria in a line, decide between white or chocolate milk, pick up a spoon and fork, napkin and straw. The tray is slightly over their head but they need to pick it up anyway and deposit the silverware and milk on it. They need to carry it to their assigned table and raise their hand if help is needed to open the milk which can be a little tricky for a three year old.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

kindergarten: day eight

I'm tired. I just got back from a three mile power-walk. I cut it short because I have a tummy ache :(  I never get tummy aches, well hardly ever.

I spent the morning subbing in kindergarten. It was the cutest classroom I have ever been in, very colorful and kid friendly. Some teachers just have a knack for decorating. I read an alphabet book about little missing x. He was not in his bed when the other little letters woke up. They hopped on a magic pencil and went looking for him. They spotted him at the castle of Giant M. He was very sad because he felt useless. After all, nobody uses x. The other little letters persuaded him to hop on the pencil and fly home. They used him to represent "kisses" on a birthday cake for Mom. The book was written by Audrey Wood, one of my favorite authors. I'm sorry, the title flew out of my head!

Monday, September 13, 2010

quilting day

The first morning of putting together quilts for Lutheran World Relief. We finished fourteen and made plans to meet again next Monday to pin and sew together backings.

They caught the guy who murdered the little old lady from Sedalia. He was a man that she had known and befriended for nearly two decades. He was arrested Thursday at his Lee's Summit home. She had called him "her adopted son."

My rose garden looks a little wild. Because of the heat wave, I couldn't bring myself to do too much. It's "what you see is what you get!"

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Hallowed Ground

Just like Gettysburg, the Little Bighorn, and Pearl Harbor. And because of the terrible thing that happened there, we need to be mindful and respectful of all cultures and religions. The Muslim community has every right to build their mosque two blocks from Ground Zero. In fact, I feel it would be a good thing. It would show the world how tolerant we as Americans truly are.

Friday, September 10, 2010

subbing : day seven

Remember the shin kicker? I had him yesterday in class. This time I was his teacher. He greeted me with a big hug when he saw me in the morning and I gave him lots of attention and compliments on good behavior. Later in the day I caught him pinching his facilitator but it wasn't me this time.
On another subject, a poor little elderly lady was murdered Tuesday in Sedalia, Missouri, home of the state fair, bad drivers, and Scott Joplin (think rag-time). Some unknown broke out a window in her garage, snuck in and strangled and stabbed her to death. Her neighbor heard her screams and ran to help out but unfortunately was too late. All I can say is there are a lot of mean people in this world.  

Dear Jesus,
We need you more than ever in this world. Please protect and defend us against all evil doings.  

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

progressive not bifocal

Dear Jesus,
Thank you for my new "progressive contacts." I can see better. I can read the newspaper without putting on a pair of glasses. I can enjoy your world and everything in it. The trees are not turning yet but the wildflowers are out in full force. I am thankful that I am alive in 2010.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

just a regular teacher

I was a second grade teacher today, my favorite grade level. What a fun day, the absent teacher left great plans and a boat-load of work to do so everyone worked their little behinds off. No time to get in trouble!
I received my first "silly bandz" today as a gift. Do they cause problems in the classroom? Yes,they are a big distraction. I would outlaw them but of course, I'm just a sub!

Monday, September 6, 2010


I don't usually walk seven miles but today on the trail I met a friend and we talked and walked and by the time I got back to my car, my pedometer read seven miles. Later when I was grocery shopping I heard my maiden name, it happened to be a long ago friend from high school. I was very flattered that she recognized me as I would have never placed her. So yes, taking care of yourself, sunscreen, exercising, avoiding junk and too much sugar does pay off!!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

i almost didn't do it

I almost talked myself out of my walk today, but the weather was absolutely beautiful, mid 70's with a breeze, is this Indian summer? This week I play school two days and on Wednesday I pick up my new bifocal contacts. I want to throw away my readers so I hope that I have good luck and my eyes will adjust to them. I would appreciate any comments and or advice from anyone who has experience with bifocals!

Friday, September 3, 2010

another injury

It's a given that if you work with autistic kids for any length of time you will get hit, kicked, pinched or punched pretty much on a regular basis. If you work with kids in wheelchairs your feet and or toes will get smashed. That's what happened to me today. I wanted to say, "Hey, you damn kid that happens to be my foot you just rolled over." But I didn't. I counted to ten and decided not to say anything.

Dear Jesus,
Help me to remember that it is a privilege to work with these children. By helping them I am serving you. 

Thursday, September 2, 2010

new knitting project

One of the things I wanted to accomplish this summer was to knit something using circular needles. All of the sudden I have the urge to create something so this morning I started a babee blanket, not for anyone in particular. I'm going to make it a little larger and I'll be able to use it when I'm lounging on the couch watching reality TV. I'm kind of selfish that way--if I put lots of time and effort into creating something, I want to keep it. Is anyone else like that or is it just me?

Saturday, August 28, 2010

more pics from the KATY

The trail was rough and dusty. My butt was not used to my new gel seat and that was uncomfortable. Other than that, it was a great 14 mile ride.

Friday, August 27, 2010

hazard pay in second grade

Apparently he didn't study his spelling words so when the teacher handed him his test paper he threw it on the floor and stomped on it, when that didn't get him enough attention, he started kicking. Who was the closest to him? I was. I didn't know if he was a runner or not so I just stayed put and took it. Right on the shin. What happens if they run? Then you have to catch them and usually the police get involved. It's not worth it. Later I found out that he, in fact, was not a runner. Now you tell me this, I say!
It was a very long day!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

da bear

He's been at the corner of Jefferson and Capitol Avenue for as long as I can remember...quite a classy dude!

Monday, August 23, 2010

on the farm

I had a nice visit, I'm sorry I couldn't eat the steak you prepared, I'm just not a big meat-eater!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

love notes

As a teacher, I always had my pockets full of love notes at the end of the day. I would read them, smile or chuckle at the special kid-spelling and then toss them in the trash can on my way out the door. Now I save all my love notes. One in particular is matted, framed and hangs in my dining room. It was written at home on the family computer but signed with a fat brown magic marker.

My teacher is the niceste teacher that ever liver.She gives tests......but I don't care. She gives coloring booklets for every season.They are very fun.We play games. Here are some names of the games.....MAKING AND BREAKING,CUSTERS and 5 up.She is the prettyest teacher. She's (She is) the best reader.If we had a contest Witch teacher got a TROPHIE for the best reading.........She would win. ALWAYS!She should read these books.....COYOTE STILLS THE BLANKET And DUKE THE DAIRY DELIGHT DOG.Here is a poem......She is happiest be she queen or peasant who finds peace in her own

My favorite is one that I keep in my jewery box. It was given to me last year by a second grader named Daniel. It is written in skinny marker on the tag that he cut from the back of his t-shirt. When he handed it to me, my heart melted!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

day one

I spent the day in first and second grade as a facilitator to three handicapped kids. I learned that I have two hands and two feet that work, I have no big problems. Besides stashing Kleenex boxes, practicing numbers, learning new names and how to line up, we had to deal with wheel chairs and standing tables and pressure sores on bottoms.

Dear Lord, I am so grateful for what I have and what I can do. I love that you have given me this day to help Margaret and Grace and Anthony on their first day of school.

Monday, August 16, 2010

back to work

OMG! I have to sub on the first day of school! My frame of mind is not in "little kid mode" at all. No more Martha Stewart or afternoon naps or playing games on my DS. Now my life will be tied to Sub-Finder till next May. Oh well, I'll use this as an excuse to buy some new clothes!!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

orchid: after and before pics

When my orchid blew over in a storm last week I rushed it to the Plant Doctor who kindly repotted it for me. I promise to take better care of it from now on!!

Monday, August 9, 2010

that's a no-no

I genuinely admire our First Lady, Michelle Obama. She is classy, intelligent and cares about people. Her campaign to get school children to change their eating habits is really starting to get everybody enthusiastic about getting healthy and staying healthy. But...she what was she thinking? To go on a personal vacation with her daughter to Spain cost the American Taxpayers over $600,000 for transportation and security. Do you know how much money that is to a poor teacher? Shame on you Mrs. Obama!! 

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

i'm a tiger

Mizzou tiger that it!! Now's the time that lots of kids are getting ready to move back into the dorms and off-campus apartments--if they are lucky. It's a very exciting time. Here's a tip for the new freshmen. Yes, freshman 15 is real. I am referring to the weight gain that most students (girls, in particular) put on whenever they leave home and start eating dorm food, or too much fatty take-out, or "not so healthy" snacks between classes. Take advantage of your university's fitness center. They are usually state-of-the-art and one of the reasons your tuition fees are so outrageous. Besides, it's a great place to meet guys!!

Monday, August 2, 2010

new jail

May it keep the bad ones in and the good ones out.
On another subject, It's not quite true that I read one hundred percent non-fiction, I did put my name on the waiting list for The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo. There are only twenty two people ahead of me.

Friday, July 30, 2010

china and the war prayer

A rainy morning, just the right background for finishing my current book, Factory Girls, From Village to City in a Changing China by Leslie Chang. I learn so much about the world from reading non-fiction. Here's a paragraph from page 289:

Almost everything was done communally. The children got up together and stood in a line at the edge of the yard, brushing their teeth and spitting into the neighbors yard below. Every meal was eaten together--vegetables, rice, and always pork, since a family typically slaughtered a pig in the autumn and dined on it all winter long. Bath time was also a group activity: In the evening, the women of the family would heat a basin of water. One after another, they washed their private parts and feet, without changing the water in between. Then the men would refill the basin and do the same. Every so often, the family members took a sponge bath, but that was usually different from the once in many days they washed their hair. Eventually every part of the body would be clean, although rarely at the same time.

On another subject, because this month has been the bloodiest so far in the Afghanistan war, I offer this prayer:
Dear Jesus,
This war is like a puzzle that does not make sense. The pieces are strange and ugly and will never fit together. We need your help and guidance to allow our leaders to use their wisdom to bring this needless war to an end. We need a rainbow for us all.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

it could happen to anybody

Two things have happened this summer that caused me to become more careful and aware of my surroundings.
  1. Several weeks ago I fell in my shower. I was alone at the time. No broken bones but nasty bruises that kept me from my regular walking routine for a couple of days. Also caused a great deal of embarrassment when family and friends noticed them.
  2. Last week a real low-life tried to walk off with my Antonio Melani bag while I was in an aisle at Target. She thought that I wasn't paying attention but because all good teachers have eyes in the back of their heads, I was able to see her as she sided over to walk away with my empty cart and bag. It made me feel uneasy all day but did teach me a valuable lesson about stowing my bag in the shopping cart.

Monday, July 26, 2010

bike lane

 Construction has started on a new bike lane crossing the bridge to the KATY. It's been very controversial here in River City as many people think it's a big waste of money and the bikers do not need or deserve it. MY feelings? How narrow-minded can some people be!!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

claysville store

It's actually a restaurant. The best fried chicken, country ham, and the coconut-cream pie is from heaven. We visited last night, that means I will eat very light today!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

missing kids

I obsess over missing children. Poor Kyron Horman, is he locked away in some stranger's basement? Did someone take him to a foreign country? Or more likely, did his evil, demented, step-mom Terri murder him? I think about him and wonder what happened?

I lost a kid once. It was in the summer and I was teaching a group of  fifteen pre-k kids. I had an aide to help me, a college-age kid named Kirk. One student was Andrew, a brilliant little guy who thought he was a bird and acted like a bird. One afternoon at recess close to dismissal time, Andrew was missing from the end of the line. I was frantic. It was a flat playground and very easy to see that Andrew was not there. While I watched the class, Kirk went up on the adjoining soccer field and found him squatting in the tall grass. Like I said, he actually thought he was a bird!!

Friday, July 23, 2010

banking and baking

Today I did my banking and baked cookies. They are for my husband. He eats them for breakfast!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

capitol shots

Sometimes I walk downtown which takes me by the state capitol, isn't it beautiful?

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

what's for breakfast?

Lately, I have been restricting my diet to all-fruit in the morning. A teacher friend shared with me that he has been doing this for years with very positive results. I do not wake up hungry so cantaloupe, oranges, berries, cherries, peaches, bananas, grapes really appeal  (no pun intended!) to me.

Monday, July 19, 2010

the rose police

I have been feeling somewhat guilty lately. It concerns my roses which I have neglected to the point of not even seeing them while I'm taking care of my other container plants. The Japanese Beetles have had their way with them again this summer and I just got tired of mixing up poison, like the old witch-queen in Snow White. This morning I took my shears to them and lets just say--gave them a summer haircut. I'm sure they will start blooming again, after all, this hot/humid weather is just what they strive on. Maybe by that time, the beetles will be on their way back to Japan.
I'm starting The Girls of Room 28 Friendship, Hope, and Survival in Theresienstadt by Hannelore Brenner. I'm on page four...