Monday, December 31, 2012


I am busy making a dip for a New Years party but I wanted to post an end-of-the-year prayer. Here's the dip and the prayer.

Bacon Cheese Spread

1 package  (12 ounces) bacon strips, chopped
1/2 cup chopped pecans or almonds, toasted
4 cups (16 ounces) shredded sharp cheddar cheese
2 cups mayonna1 small onion, chopped
2 tablespoons finely chopped sweet red pepper
1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper

Cook bacon until crisp; drain. Mix with the next six ingredients. Serve with crackers. Yield: 4 cups

Dear Jesus,
As I enter a new year, walk before me and guide me in Your ways. I do not know what lies ahead, but You do. You plan my ways and direct my paths. Keep my eyes focused on You so that I have a sure guide in all the days ahead. Pick me up when I fall, forgive me when I fail, and love me when I am most unlovable. During the coming year, help me bless others as You have blessed me. In Your name I pray. Amen.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

a gap

Thank you Jesus for another Christmas and another year. I am truly thankful for Your many blessings. I have taken some time off from this blog but I have kept busy and the seasonal depression that I usually have at this time of the year has not been so bad. Santa and my little family have been extremely generous (including two new bracelets) and for everything I received I am grateful. I culled through my stash of decorations and put up only the ones that were meaningful to either me or family members and I took everything down yesterday. I like to get on with things. I have been reading like crazy including Farewell, Titanic. I believe it is the fifth book that I have read this year on that subject. This one, over 1,000 pages, was on my ipad. In the new year I will make my third attempt at reading the Bible straight through. My Grandmother read it front to back five times, why can't I stick with it to the end one time?

Sunday, October 28, 2012

walking etc...

I walked 4.50 miles downtown this morning. It was sunny but chilly windy. I almost talked myself out of it but once I got started it was fine. I wore my new walking pants and top along with my silk cami underneath. Good investment! Later, I picked up Dr. Pepper, orange push pops ( I'm addicted to these since this past summer) and Halloween stickers as I'm scheduled to sub in kindergarten for the next two days. When I got home I decided to make a big pot of Cowboy Soup. Here's the recipe if you want:

Cowboy Soup
1 pound ground beef
1 onion, chopped
1 can whole corn ( I drained)
I can Ranch-style beans (whatever these are, I used red beans)
1 can diced tomatoes
1 can Ro-Tel tomatoes
2 med to large potatoes, chunked up
1 can beef broth
2 tsp. salt
1 tsp. pepper

In a large pot, combine beef and onion, Fry and drain. Add corn, beans, tomatoes, potatoes, beef broth. Stir in one cup of water, salt and pepper. Simmer for 3 hours and serve. The recipe says that it freezes well for up to 3 months. I have never tried it.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


I've taken a break from blogging but I've still managed to keep busy. I've been:
  • Reading. Today I read the best book by Eric Carle called Flora and Tiger. It's a collection of stories about his life. Read it. Even if you're not a little kid, you will enjoy it.
  • Subbing.
  • Walking. This week I've walked about eighteen miles.
  • Shopping. But not for jewelry!
  • Being thankful for everything God had given me.

Friday, September 28, 2012


Yesterday I subbed in the same third grade classroom as the day before. I tucked my pedometer in my pocket and when I got home it read 4.64 miles, the same distance. I thought that was amazing! Today I will break out my new Nikes and walk on the Green way, my favorite trail. Also, I've got a ton of laundry to do!!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


I wore my pedometer to school yesterday. I didn't look goofy because I used the small thin one that I carry in my pocket instead of the one that hooks onto my belt. I was in first grade and at the end of the day my total mileage was 4.71 miles. Today I did the same thing except I was in a third grade classroom. My total mileage today was 4.63 miles. Tomorrow I will be in the same third grade classroom and it will be interesting if I end up with the same number of miles.

Monday, September 24, 2012


My shopping trip on Friday was successful and I'm glad that I had the opportunity to go when I did as I am scheduled to teach for the next four days. I brought home three pairs of pants, actually had to go down two sizes! And two shirts. Also a new pair of Nikes for fall/winter walking.

Friday, September 21, 2012

not just for babies

Yesterday I had an ultrasound on my neck. He wants to find out which one of my parathyroid glands had "gone rogue." I am expecting a call today. I didn't have to undress for this test so I wore my walking clothes, my new MU tee and JCrew walking shorts. The test itself took all of ten minutes. I walked four miles yesterday and 4.83 miles the day before. Today I might drive to the Outlet Mall and do my walking there. I've just discovered that all of my pants are really baggy on me. And the styles now have more of a narrow leg. The weather here is beautiful and for some odd reason I feel like driving.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

all grown up

Remember how I posted that I eat like a kid; peanut butter and jelly sandwiches everyday. Well, I've discovered hummus! My new favorite lunch: spinach artichoke hummus and chips, gotta have it every day! Oh yeah, I still have my daily fudge bar too. Next week I have an appointment with my third specialist to find out what to do with my wackadoodle parathyroid glands. I'm thinking that he will want to remove them so if you are reading this, please pray for me. Operations scare me! To get my mind off things, I bought another new bracelet yesterday. A Brighton black and gold bead bracelet in honor of MU joining the SEC. I can't find my silver MU bracelet with the tiger paw charm and Truman. I hope that I have just misplaced it and that it is not gone for good as I always like to wear it during football season.

Thursday, August 30, 2012


This morning I walked 5.04 miles or a total of over thirteen miles so far this week. It was extremely hot again today with temps in the high 90s. The water element that runs beside my favorite walking tract has dried up weeks ago. I noticed this morning how distressed the trees are becoming. Their leaves are curling up, becoming brown and falling already. Tomorrow we are supposed to have cooler weather with temps in the mid 80s. And we are lucky enough to be in the path of Isaac which will bring us some much needed rain. I thank Jesus for this in advance! This afternoon I finished Mary Soames's book, A Daughter's Tale. She is Winston Churchill's youngest daughter and I assume she is still living. I thought the book was very interesting although a little wordy during the war years. I am beginning Buried in the Sky by Amanda Padoan and Peter Zuckerman. It is about mountain climbers on K2. I'm sure it will be fascinating. I didn't hear from the doctor or the nurse today so I am hoping that I will tomorrow. I did receive a bill from the anesthesiologist. Fortunately my insurance covered the whole amount. Now I have some money for new furniture. Woo Hoo!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

the gamma cam

I was under the Gamma Cam today and although painless except for the injection it was not an experience that I want to have again anytime soon. I am slightly claustrophobic and I had to lay straight as a pin with a huge thing that covered my upper body, like an MRI machine. The Gamma Cam took pictures of my parathyroid which I didn't even know I had until two weeks ago. The nurse should call me with the results tomorrow. For the tests today, I wore my new pair of NYDJ capri pants. I love this brand and from now on its the only kind of jeans I will buy! I also wore a new tee that I picked up from Target. I did not have to change into a gown for this test. I decided to go without jewelry because I'm sure they would made me take it off. It's just something that I've learned from past experience.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

some reading and such

I've been reading a lot lately. Today I finished Cemetery John the Undiscovered Mastermind of the Lindbergh Kidnapping by Robert Zorn. I found out that Bruno Richard Hauptmann, who was executed for the crime, was a Lutheran. He definitely was guilty but denied up to the end that he had anything to do with the kidnapping. He had two partners in crime but did not rat them out as that would have proven that he was indeed guilty. I am also reading my fifth book about the Titanic, an ebook on my iPad. It will go quick!
I had an out-patient procedure done last week with good results and I'm scheduled for another one next week. I am grateful that I have good insurance. Enough said.
I finally got into the decorating mode last week and purchased a new travertine mirror for my little bathroom. I'm also ordering new window coverings/drapes for my dining room as soon as Hubby does the measuring. With all the new hardwood I am in desperate need of area rugs but I just don't trust Sam. It would just take one pee mess and I would be sick. Good rugs are expensive...

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Potato Chip Cookies

This recipe was rather labor intensive. I even toasted the pecans last night but they have a light, crunchy texture and a good mix of sweet and salty. It's a Martha Stewart "Cookie of the Month" recipe.

Gee Mom, I'm glad the dog catcher didn't get me!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

the dog catcher

The dog catcher almost got Sam this morning. I usually walk him but this morning I was distracted so I just let him out. He loves to bark at the rabbits in the lot next door and chase them into the blackberry bushes. I had just walked out and called him back into the yard and here come the animal control truck down the hill. That was close! I know he's supposed to be on a leash and from now on I won't take any more chances. I teased him all day about going to doggy jail. Tomorrow I'm making Martha Stewart's Potato Chip Cookies. I'll try to post a picture.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Note to Katie Holmes:
Put Suri down! She is six years old and going into first grade. You are treating her like a little baby carrying her around whenever you two go out in the city. She needs to grow up and act like a little girl, although a wealthy one.

Monday, July 30, 2012


Tomorrow morning I need to deliver four dozen cookies that I baked for a Missionary Society fund raiser. I used the "Toll House" recipe on the back of the chocolate chip package. According to Martha Stewart, cookies are always better when the unbaked dough sets over night. So that what I did.

Look at the black snake that decided to visit right outside my door as I stepped out to get my mail this afternoon.

Please disregard the weeds, I can blame it on the very hot temperatures that we are still having!

Monday, July 23, 2012


I spent most of the day at the swimming pool. What can you do when it's 105 degrees outside and no chance of cooler weather till the end of the week. We are setting new records here in Missouri for the most consecutive days of triple digit temperatures. I blame the Republicans. Yeah, it's all their fault! Tomorrow I go back to the lab for my third round of blood tests. I have hyperparathyroidism, a long word for too much calcium in my blood. Most people don't have enough calcium, I have too much. I know this is a symtom of something. It could be something simple. It could be a tumor on my parathyroid. I thank Jesus that I have insurance. If I need an operation, it will be covered.

Friday, July 20, 2012

high temps, etc...

We are back up to triple digit temperatures and will be for awhile. I can never ever remember it being this hot. When I was still a "regular" teacher and teaching summer school, at recess the kids would end up crawling underneath the picnic tables on the playground to get out of the hot sun. Even then, it was never this hot. I've been reading another book about the Titanic. 101 Things You Thought You Knew About The Titanic by Tim Maltin. Actually since this is the fourth book I've read about the subject, I do know quite a few of the facts already. I am also reading The People Who Eat Darkness by Richard Lloyd Parry. This is a true crime story which takes place in Tokyo, Japan. It's an excellent read so far. Oh, we are planning on painting the dining room this weekend. I'm going with light grey walls and lemon yellow carpeting. I'm planning on using doggy doors on all the doorways so Sammy isn't tempted to mark his place. This will be the third time we've replaced the carpeting due to "you know who!"

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

a month from now

I can't believe that the first day of school is actually August 16th. That is so early. I'm sure that the teachers will be in their classrooms soon organizing and putting up bulletin boards. It's always so fun to go through the boxes of the new school stuff that you ordered in the spring. Our principal was very lenient and we were told to "order what you need; just make sure you use it." With the beginning of school my phone will start ringing again and I will begin another year of subbing. I truly love what I do and I know that good subs are a valuable part of the school system. Unlike last year, I'm not going to buy a bunch of new clothes to start out. I'll wait til Fall

Friday, July 13, 2012


So this summer so far I have purchased two new Brighton bracelets (not counting the broken one they replaced for me at no charge) and a pair of dangle pearl Brighton earrings. I have my eye on a Fossil necklace which I plan to get as a "Going back to school" gift to myself. I also plan to order a "pricier" necklace from the Sundance Catalog which I will talk myself into getting. It will be a "Too bad you didn't get to go on vacation this summer" treat. I walked a total of eleven miles today and yesterday.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

i'm fired up

The Republicans are voting today to repeal the Affordable Health Care Act. For the thirty third time. Really, what planet are they from? Here's what I think about it: may they all get a letter from their insurance provider stating that they have lost their coverage. I got mine due to a simple eye surgery.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

three things

  1. Now that we are back to "normal" July temperature here in Missouri I've started my morning walk routine again. This was a great morning. I walked 5.19 miles on the Greenway.
  2. After three (Yes, three) books about the Titanic, I was anxious to read something new. Yesterday at the library I picked up Restless Souls the Sharon Tate Family's Account of Stardom, the Manson Murders, and a Crusade for Justice by Alisa Statman and Brie Tate. It's a very interesting and easy read for those of you who are into "true crime."
  3. Like Anderson Cooper, When I eat something I like, I find myself eating it all the time. When we didn't have a kitchen due to remodeling, I started eating Healthy Choice Top Chef Cafe Steamers. My all time favorite is Ravioli & Chicken Marinara. I'm hooked. I have to have it at least once a day, either for lunch or dinner. I usually doctor it up with parm cheese on top. Yum!

Sunday, July 8, 2012


We were at a pool party at the Lake of the Ozarks yesterday. When we left our house the temp was 107. I was wearing a tank top and a short skirt that I wear for walking. I topped it off with a big straw hat; not what I would normally wear to a party but in triple digit temperature one must get creative. Many of the invited guests had called and canceled due to the heat but we decided to brave it. We were there not ten minutes when the sky grew very dark and thunder started rumbling. The kids were rushed out of the pool and into the "toy room" to watch a movie. The grown-ups huddled underneath the covered deck and enjoyed the thunderstorm. The temperature dropped drastically to mid seventies. It lasted maybe an hour. The kids were able to get back into the pool and later everyone feasted on the fresh fried crappie, a local delicacy.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

heat wave

We are beginning our second week of triple digit temperatures here. Needless to say I have cut my outside activity to a bare minimum. Doing lots of reading during the day and watching reality TV at night. My book list consists of:

  • Voices from the Titanic by Geoff Tibballs ( 813 pages, I'm halfway)
  • Shadow of the Titanic by Andrew Wilson
  • If Walls Could Talk An Intimate History of the Home by Lucy Worsley
  • Easy Algebra Step by Step by Sandra McClure and William Clark
 I am saying special little prayers for all the animals here in the Midwest who are suffering through the hot weather. Hopefully for them there's a creek nearby.

Friday, June 29, 2012

it's hot

So what else is new! I walked 5.08 miles on Wednesday and 5.22 miles yesterday (Thursday) at the crack of dawn. I stayed in my neighborhood, walked to the middle school track and was back home before it really got steamy. Today I piddled and decided not to push it when it was nine o'clock and I was still in my pajamas. I have learned to be kind to my body and avoid stress whenever I can. Today I am especially mindful of the people and animals living in Colorado. Dear Jesus, You have power over fire and water. Please help the brave firefighters as they battle to get the fire in Colorado under control. Help the little animals find safety and help the people who have lost their homes find a way to rebuild. Thank you for blessing me and my family.  

Saturday, June 23, 2012

picture dump

I've taken a break from blogging but I'm still walking, eighteen and some miles so far this week. I have finished reading That Girl (the book about Wallis Simpson, very good if you like history!) and Mrs. Kennedy and Me by Clint Hill, (quick read but just okay). I've also been to the Doctor for a yearly exam. Yuck, now all I have to worry about is the mammogram scheduled for next week. Oh pictures, I forgot!

I declared war on Japanese Beetles and I'm winning!

My stone basket after I replaced the flowers that Babee Deer and his mother ate. Maybe with this hot Missouri weather more flowers will start blooming.

The white trim framing the opening to our new kitchen was installed this week. I like it.

The blackberries up the hill are getting ripe so I've been picking/eating my fill. Lots of fiber you know!

Hubby got back from his fishing trip to Canada. Sam and I are glad he's home!

Friday, June 15, 2012

swim suit

It was another glorious morning but I had carpenters in the house installing some trim so I couldn't walk. I had time for an extra cup of coffee and read my book. Oh, I also ordered a new swim suit and cover-up. I don't get a new one every year so this is a real splurge. I hope it arrives soon and I hope it fits!

Thursday, June 14, 2012


I walked 5.14 miles yesterday and 5.06 miles today. I also made two appointments, a doctor's appointment and a mammogram. It's so silly. I was without insurance for three years. I would lie in bed at night so scared that I would have an accident or get really sick and when I got to the hospital, they would just close the door on me. Now that I have insurance I really need to take advantage of it and get all those tests that I'm supposed to have. And like all good teachers I schedule all my personal appointments in the summertime!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


I use it every morning. On my face. Just regular honey out of a plastic honey bear. I squirt a quarter size amount in my hand and smear it on my face. Sometimes I wait ten minutes and sometimes not, but I rinse off with a baby washcloth and very warm water. It's easy and my face feels soft and wonderful. Remember, always use an upward motion when rinsing off!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

taking a break

from walking. This is the second day in a row that I haven't hit any trail, except up the hill to walk Sam. When I feel this way I don't force it. I'm keeping busy, just not walking. The baby deer must have connected to it's momma because they found their way into my front yard early this morning and helped themselves to the flowers that I had planted in my stone basket. So that became my first project- to replace the eaten-off flowers with new ones.The nursery has them marked down to half price this week so I wasn't too upset. Tomorrow I need to make my way to the Federal Tax Office on the other side of town to make a quarterly payment. I'll be close to the Conservation Trail so I'll walk there. BTW, the weather here is beautiful!

Monday, June 11, 2012


In church yesterday we heard about praying. Pastor in his sermon mentioned that Martin Luther strongly advised his flock and members of his household to pray at least five times a day, morning and evening and before each meal. In fact, he would not let them eat until they did so. When I heard this I thought about my sweet Grandma from Germany who not only prayed before each meal but also said a short prayer after the meal as well.
My special prayer today is about the little deer that spent the night in the bushes in the front of my house. I'm afraid Sammy scared her out of her hiding place and she jumped off the retaining wall. Please Jesus, she is so tiny. I heard her cry. Please help her find her mommy in the woods behind our house.

Friday, June 8, 2012

the squeeze my boobies prayer reposted

I am so grateful that I live at a time where early detection of breast cancer means a cure. Please give me the courage to endure my boobies flattened out like pancakes. I will be thinking of all those women who died of breast cancer before this wonderful thing called mammography was invented.
I received my friendly reminder in the mail this week that I am due for another mammogram. Yes, it has been in the the back of my mind and I'm trying to work up enough nerve to schedule it. I wrote this prayer last year to help me get through the day. Next week I will call for an appointment. I promise.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

i think we had an ...

earthquake last night. I woke up at 2:30 when the whole house shook. It only lasted a second but it was loud enough to make me jump up! This morning I sprayed and de-budded the roses, got some business done at the bank, walked four miles on the Greenway Trail, bought some snacks at Walmart for Hubby to take on his fishing trip to Canada, picked up a book at the library, That Woman, The Life of Wallis Simpson, by Anne Sebba and hiked it to the little dress shoppe downtown and picked up my new Brighton bracelet that was a replacement for the one that was broken while I was subbing. Thanks Brighton for replacing it at no charge! Finally made it back home for lunch at 2:30. Yes, I was starving!!

Monday, June 4, 2012

german potato salad

I used my new Maytag gas stove for the first time on Saturday. I fried bacon for German potato salad. Mama taught me to flour the bacon first before putting into the skillet, I'm a messy cook anyway! Here's the recipe:


6 medium potatoes, peeled and cubed
6 strips of bacon
2 tablespoons flour
3 green onions, chopped ( I add more)
4 radishes, sliced
I/2 cup water
1/2 cup vinegar
1/2 cup sugar
salt and pepper to taste
(I also add some celery seed although the recipe does not call for it)

Boil the potatoes, drain and cool. Fry bacon until crisp; crumble and set aside. Add to bacon drippings: flour, water, vinegar and sugar. Cook over medium heat and stir until sugar turns clear. In a large bowl, add liquid to potatoes, bacon, onions and radishes. Can be served hot or cold.
This recipe reminds me of my father who always liked it and had quite an aversion to the mayonnaise/mustard kind of potato salad. He also had the same hair line as Mitt Romney but please don't hold that against him!!

Thursday, May 31, 2012

update on OCM

Today is on the cool side. I plan to walk later. Yesterday I walked 5.16 miles on the Washington Park trail. On another subject, I have been cleansing my face using the oil method: 2 ozs. of Castor oil, 1/2 oz. each of grape seed oil and jojoba oil and a couple of drops of peppermint oil. I have seen improvement since I have started this method and will definitely continue using this with exceptions. Ever other day, I use a "Simple" cleansing cloth purchased at Walmart followed by a light rinse with very warm water using a baby wash cloth. On the days that I use OCM, I use fingertips to massage into my skin, always on the light side and always with a upward motion. I rinse with a baby wash cloth and very warm water. Occasionally I will use a very small amount of Tea Tree Oil on my nose and around it.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


We start out by cutting cotton material into eight to ten inch squares. Volunteers sew these squares by machine into long strips. Other volunteers sew the cotton strips together to make a quilt top. We then meet two to three times a week to sandwich these quilt tops together using old mattress pads or sheets as filler and backing. They are pinned together and sewn with long running stitches. A volunteer takes them home to surge around the edges. Then they are ready to be tacked together either by other volunteers or occasionally at Missionary meetings at church. This year we put together 154 quilts. Eighteen went to the Orphan Grain Train. Forty seven went to RACS, (Rape and Abuse Crisis Center). Thirty seven went to Salvation Army Retreat Center. Fifty went to the Samaritan Center. Two went to a local church family in need.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

washington park pics

In three days I have walked over sixteen miles. Today I walked early as it is predicted to get very hot. I like walking early at seven or so. I also took along my camera today to get some pictures.

Our baseball statue was getting alittle tacky so some local prisoners made us a new one. Yes, that's a true story!

I go by MODOT (Missouri Dept. of Transportation) on my walk. They like to display wrecked cars and trucks.

I've posted this gazebo before. It's behind a bank. The one where I keep all my millions! Ha Ha

Our city's new Animal Shelter which will open next month.

The creek that runs along side the track. The water level is low. It hasn't rained for awhile.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Today I walked 5.14 miles at Washington Park and saw my first snake, just a baby, on the trail. I am a long time sufferer of seasonal depression and this is one of my "sad" times. The end of school and the beginning of summer should be one of the happiest times for a teacher but not for me. Now that I'm just a sub, it's still bad. Walking helps and the new remodel has also lifted my spirits somewhat. I need to remember that I am a child of God.  He would not want me to waste my days feeling glum and sorry for myself. This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. 

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

my new counter tops

Two very nice guys came late yesterday and installed my new granite counter tops. I am thrilled! As you can see, we are not finished yet but almost! Today I had a late lunch out with a friend so I'm talking myself into walking later this evening. Tomorrow and Friday will be my last two days of subbing for this school year.  I will be a facilitator for the special needs kids who are mainstreamed into the regular classroom. School is out for the summer the following Monday. Thank you God for another successful school year and allowing me to use my talents to serve You. I am so grateful.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

calf muscles

My favorite compliment is when someone tells me that I must be a runner because I have great calf muscles. I used to run but eventually it caught up with me and I had problems with my feet and knees. Plus, I just found that I enjoy walking more. I walk fast and I feel that I'm just as fit as any runner. This morning I walked 4.09 miles in my neighborhood. It's a hilly trail but I kept thinking of my calf muscles and sometimes I zigzag up them. I need to stay close to home today as this is the day my granite counter tops will be installed. Did you know that the big slaps of granite are cut to the precise measurements with a "water" saw! Maybe pictures tomorrow....

Monday, May 14, 2012

it's a no

It didn't take us long to decide after our drive-by on Saturday that the River View house was not for us. A lot of these homes have been in one family for years and unfortunately are in sad shape. I'm sure the view out the back of the house is breath taking but with the leaves on the trees it is only visible during the fall and winter months. The train tracks run right below the house and I love trains but I'm afraid the noise would be annoying rather than romantic. The outside of the house is dated and would require lots of repairs to bring it up to our (Hubby's) standards. Besides, we are both getting weary of remodeling and don't want to start all over. Still, if it were just me and if I had unlimited funds (ha ha) I would jump at the chance to own it!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

i'm torn

Why does this happen at the most inappropriate time. My real estate lady called with an amazing "river view" house for sale. I'm afraid to even drive by it for fear that I will fall in love with it. I haven't even turned on my new gas stove yet. Can I leave it? I know that Hubby is not keen on the idea of putting this house on the market after all the work that we (he) has done. Or, is it the four garages that he does not want to part with? But I have wanted a river view house for a long time. I will definitely drive by this afternoon and then, we'll just go from there. On another subject, my week in the autism classroom was very fulfilling. Yes, I am down one bracelet but that is my fault, I should not have worn it. I was scratched and bitten but I also now have a greater understanding of these little guys and realize that they have a purpose to be on this earth just like anybody else. Dear God, Thank you for the opportunity that you gave me this week.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

a full day

We spent most of the morning on DTTs: waving hello and goodbye, practicing putting on shoes, working with shapes and colors, zipping and buttoning. After lunch we had story time, went on a long nature walk that included throwing rocks into the pond, made a sock puppet with yarn hair and goggle eyes and spent at least an hour playing and swinging outside in the sunshine. And tomorrow we'll do it all over again. Oh, I was bitten on my hand but fortunately it did not break the skin. I wasn't getting any sympathy anyway and by the end of the day a favorite Fossil bracelet was broken. When will I ever learn!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

new appliances

All of the appliances are Maytag and they were all installed yesterday except the dish washer which is just in place waiting for the sink and counter top to be installed, possibly later this week. I love it all and feel so fortunate that it all worked out the way it did. This week will be hectic as I am scheduled to sub in the autism classroom for four days but one big positive: it's Teacher Appreciation Week so there should be plenty of goodies to go around! That's if I have time for any of it!!

Friday, May 4, 2012

star wars day

I saw him on the playground and noticed that he was wearing a new Star Wars shirt. Hey, I like your shirt, I said. He told me that his dad bought it for him for Star Wars Day. You know, may the fourth be with you!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

five miles

Today, or rather this morning, I walked 5.6 miles on the Washington Park Trail. It was already warm and I thought the shade would make it cooler. It helped. Tomorrow I will get my hair trimmed and sub  in the afternoon so I have a chance to see my kiddos again. Here's what my clematis looks like these days.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

almost five

I drove to the middle school today to walk a mile on their track. I did four laps in 16 and one half minutes. After that I walked miles two, three and four and three fourths downtown on the track that runs across the Missouri River Bridge. It was glorious weather but very humid. I was dripping sweat when I got back to the library where my car was parked. Tomorrow I may not walk at all as I am invited out of town to a party.

Friday, April 27, 2012

This is the first year in a long time that I failed to de-bud the rose bushes and I can't believe how they have bloomed out. The pictures were taken earlier this morning before rain showers. The middle pic shows my little side-kick who follows me everywhere these days. He considers himself king of the whole neighborhood!

Thursday, April 26, 2012


I have been walking four miles every day this week except for yesterday. I attended a funeral; my first one so far this year. Sometimes they come in waves you know. This particular funeral was Catholic. I love their ceremony and music and even the incense. Earlier this morning I was called to sub tomorrow in third grade, one of my favorites but I had to decline. They're putting in my new kitchen cabinets and I want to be here!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

happy earth day

A redbud tree taken at the Greenway parking lot; I meant to post this on Friday, the true Earth Day but I am a firm believer that Earth Day should be celebrated everyday of the year.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

submarine movie

I couldn't sleep last night so I stayed up until two watching a submarine movie on AMC. I have always liked movies about submarines and this one was haunted which made it even better. Today I walked three and a half miles downtown and took the track that leads across the Missouri River. I also did laundry and bought a new pair of Brighton earrings. I couldn't resist!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

the classroom

Do I miss them? A little bit...but this week so far I have walked twelve miles, had a three hour lunch date with a dear friend yesterday and this morning after walking, I returned my broken Brighton bracelet back to the little boutique that I had originally purchased it and they are going to replace it. Oh yes, I couldn't resist, I had to buy a new one as well.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

I've started something new

I've started cleansing my face with oil. This is something I've wondered about for awhile and since have done some research, I've decided to give it a try. True, it's only been a week but I think I can say my skin appears to be more youthful and that's a good thing. My "cleansing concoction " is two ounces of Castor oil, one half ounce each of grapeseed oil and jojoba oil. What sold me is this:  even if your skin is dry, it still has oil on it and oil attracts oil. Plus, I've always had relatively good skin, I just want to keep it that way.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Brad Pitt

Every so often I have a really weird dream. Last night I was at a small gathering and Brad Pitt was there. We talked like old friends and he happened to have the big diamond ring with him, the one that he was going to give Angie. He was very proud of it and asked for my opinion. I love diamonds and I was thrilled to have a peek. The ring was way too gaudy for me but I told him that I thought Angie would love it. And then... I tried to talk him into having the wedding at Ha Ha Tonka State Park. Honestly, that was my dream!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Saturday was the day...

We finally got rid of the yellow! What a big improvement! Today is more shopping; only it's little bathroom paint, ceiling fans for the new office and upstairs bedrooms, and a wireless doorbell. Plus, I need to start thinking about what color I want in the dining room which we may start using once it has had it's much needed make-over. Anyway, the scaffolding has come down and we are beginning to see our house come together. Yay! Next big thing is the new cabinets two weeks away!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

show and tell

To celebrate my next to the last day of subbing, I brought home take-out ribs for dinner. I knew Hubby would like them. Although I don't eat a great deal of meat; I have to say they tasted really good. Tomorrow at school we are celebrating with a popcorn party and the movie, Balto. I love Balto, he's one of my favorite dog heroes. Today was show and tell day and we had quite a collection: a needlepoint jewelry box shaped like an old fashioned stove and filled with  "junk," a photo of a beloved lop-eared bunny named Scoup who died of old age on Easter morning, a fake butterfly enclosed in a glass jar that fluttered around when you rubbed the lid. My contribution; two pieces of genuine whale baleen and a shiny Sacagawea dollar which I did not pass around.

Friday, April 6, 2012


He asked me yesterday if He died on Friday or did He come back to life on Friday. I was touched. This was in the middle of a Math lesson. Yes, I said, you have it right, He did die on Friday and then on Sunday, he came back to life and that's why we celebrate Easter. Oh, I knew I had it right, he said.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

6 days, 1200 dollars

Because the "Head Shed" gave us Good Friday off, I am down to six days (twelve hundred dollars) left and I will officially be finished with my long term subbing job. That's a new vanity in my little guest bathroom! Besides the money, these guys are really growing on me and I'm afraid that I might miss them when I leave. But I'll still enjoy being home laying around in my pajamas too! Little Sam has done a great job being kenneled all day; no accidents in either his cage or on the nice, new wood floors! That just goes to show you that you can teach a old dog (eleven years) new tricks. My posting has been sporadic lately but I will soon have lots more time for walking, shopping, reading, having lunch out with friends... oh, I'm so glad I'm retired!

Monday, March 26, 2012

things are happening

We have a new hickory hand-rubbed floor and it's beautiful. Pictures to come soon. The cabinet maker started today on my new kitchen cabinets. He promised to have them ready in three weeks, we shall see! In the meantime, guess who is the new president of the Missionary Society? I am. I was asked to do this last year and declined because I knew I had this long-term subbing job coming up. Now that is coming to an end, I couldn't think of a legitimate excuse. Dear Jesus, make this one way I can serve you better. Even though I find it easier to interact with kids, I am willing to expand my comfort zone to witness and serve you. I will need your help.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

she's wearing my bracelet

Last week I broke a good (Brighton) bracelet and lost one. This morning during math I noticed the smartest and one of the sweetest girls in my class wearing my lost bracelet. While I was trying to figure out what to say or how to confront her, another really smart and sweet girl came up to me and mentioned that she had found the bracelet on her desk that very morning. I didn't ask any questions and was very appreciative that she (who was not the girl wearing it earlier in the day) had given it back. Later on, after the kids had left, I asked the night janitor if he, in fact, had found the bracelet and laid it on the girl's desk. He had not. I choose not to investigate this any further,the main thing is; I have my Fossil bracelet back and I still might buy me a new one.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

book list

I just finished reading The Wilder Life by Wendy McClure. Since I'm from the Midwest and grew up reading all of the "Little House" books, I knew when I saw the title that I had to read the McClure book. It's about a 30s girl from Chicago who grew up living in Laura World and decided to take road trips to visit all of the Ingalls homestead sites. On some of the trips her boyfriend went with her; on other trips, she just took out alone. I enjoyed it very much. I've always loved the "Little House" books, not so much the television show. Now I'm reading the book about the astronomer who "kills" Pluto. I've just gotten into it. Oh, I also have to use wall paper stripper and remove the little strip on wallpaper still in my dining room. You can see it if you go back to the "before picture" I posted. It was under the baseboard which will be replaced with a wider piece. Why is there a need to take it off if we are just going to cover it up with another piece of baseboard? Because that is the way my "perfectionist hubby" does things!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

spring break

The second day of my spring break was spent picking out a new kitchen sink and faucet. Also, the five gallons of paint originally meant for the kitchen wall will now become the ceiling color and we will coordinate with that on the walls, so back to the paint store for more samples. The dining room gets new carpeting and paint. The laundry room gets a new tile floor and paint after the wallpaper which is original to the house when we built it seventeen years ago is removed. All of the doors and wood trim will be replaced and we have some different plans for our fireplace as well. Lots of updates and changes going on and I'm trying to enjoy this upheaval and know that it will be worth it in the end. This is Sam's second day in his kennel. He is a good little trooper and so far, so good. He just cannot pee on the new wood floors. Dear Jesus, help me get that through his sweet little doggie head! 

Saturday, March 10, 2012

bracelets, grade cards, renovation

This past week I broke a favorite Brighton bracelet. I know I can sent it in to the company to be restrung but that's a hassle along with everything else I have going on. On the same day I was taking my jacket off in the classroom and I felt my Fossil bracelet slip off my arm. The kids and I looked for it everywhere but it just disappeared. Both bracelets were less than a year old and although I had purchased the Fossil one on sale, it was a good one to wear to school and now I have a need to replace it. I always wear a bracelet, even on a Saturday morning. It's my signature jewelry. Fortunately, I have a week of Spring break to look forward to and I'm so excited to have some time to pick out granite, tile and paint. The "kitchen" remodel has evolved into the whole first floor which will be like living in a new house again. My only real chore this week is sitting down and filling out grade cards. I used Grade Pro on the classroom computer to figure the grades but I still have to transfer them to the actual report cards and make a short comment on behavior and study skills. I do have to give one F this quarter to a little girl that is not progressing in reading. She should have spend another year in first grade but apparently the parents overruled the teacher and she was sent on. And if she isn't retained this year, it will be another year of failure in third grade. The parents will probably blame her teachers for not performing a miracle.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


It's important for me to be a good teacher and this may be my last long-term subbing job. I'm not posting as much because I simply can't find the time. I'm not walking or exercising or reading my Bible either. I'm not helping the Braille ladies and because I don't have a kitchen, I'm not fixing dinner. I know that both school and renovations will come to an end eventually. I will just continue to get up, put on my big-girl panties and quit complaining!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

spring pictures

Today was Spring Picture Day which is different from regular school picture day. The photographer takes a full body pose and there are a couple of assistants who help the kids get into poses as cute as possible. By the way, the photographer used to take a picture of the teachers for free because we have to help collect the money but I guess now we do it for nothing because nobody offered to take my picture. Anyway, kids show up is all kinds of outfits; Hello Kitty dresses, Cub Scout uniforms, jeans and tee shirts. That's what Timmy (not his real name) wore to school today. He had his picture taken and I'm sure he looked nice. But this is what happened later. He came up to me with this sack and in it was a very small tee shirt, toddler size. "Mom told me to wear this after I have my picture taken," he said. "Are you sure it will fit you?" I said.  "Mom told me to put it on." he answered. "Okay." I said. He came back from the boy's restroom wearing the tiny tee shirt and wore it the rest of the day. Why would a mom do that to a little kid?  Why not just let him wear the tee shirt he wore for Spring Pictures? Sometimes I just don't get it!

Monday, February 27, 2012

before pics

My house is upside down. My kitchen is packed away in boxes spread throughout the house. Most of the furniture is stacked to the ceiling in the little setting room in the front of the house. The carpeting that Sam peed on is gone and the new floor is acclimating in there. The rest of the wood floor will come up soon. I have a new computer room, it's my upstairs spare bedroom. 

Thursday, February 23, 2012


Because I'm a retired teacher, emphasis on tired; I have alot of stories that I can share, sort of like a storyteller, which I always considered a teacher to be anyway. I've got stories about weird kids, weird parents, homeless men who camp out overnight in my classroom, snakes behind the trash I was able to share the story about a little girl named Sarah who brought a baby alligator to school for "show and tell." Her father who worked in the produce department of a local grocery store found it at the bottom of a box of oranges. He brought it home for Sarah and of course, she wanted to bring it to school and show it off. I love that story and the reaction of the kids, they are in awe of a little girl having a pet alligator.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

ash wednesday

I feel guilty. Because of teaching and other chores after school, I will be unable to make it to church tonight. Ash Wednesday is the beginning of Lent and is sacred in the Lutheran Church. But I did get blessed by a homeless veteran at Walmart this afternoon when I stopped to give him a $5 bill. And I will spend some time in quiet contemplation, probably while I am eating my Healthy Choice grilled chicken pesto with veggies later at dinner.  

Lord Jesus, You worked great miracles to reveal Yourself to Your followers. Help me to see and believe in You in the weeks to come.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

reading and math

We worked like mad dogs all morning. I met with all four reading groups and even the little strugglers sounded more fluent and read with expression. I was so proud of them. Then after lunch we had a basic lesson on calendar skills and when I asked how many days there were in a week; all I got was blank looks in return. Then I asked if they knew how many months were in one year, and someone answered "two." OMG! Have these kids been hiding under a rock or what, I feel that is basic information that you learn or should learn in kindergarten. I was shocked that this group of smart kids could not come up with the correct answer or maybe they were just pulling my leg?

Monday, February 20, 2012

packing up

We are in the process of packing up our kitchen and dining room to get ready for the huge remodeling job. I would take a picture but it's just boxes on top of more boxes. Fortunately, we have a big bedroom downstairs in our house that more or less, we just use for storage. The new appliances, shiny aluminum, are ordered and on their way, as well as the new pre-finished wood floor and the seven gallons of paint. Hey, you can't say we haven't been helping the economy!
Yes, we are still without an "upstairs" refrigerator and too lazy to store alot of real food in the one that we have downstairs behind the bar. Three more weeks before the new one arrives. What I'm craving most? Ice!

Monday, February 13, 2012


We got snow today. As a matter of fact, we are still getting it. My school was dismissed two hours early today and after-school conferences were postponed till Wednesday. Yay! I decided to go home and make a pot of Potato Bacon Soup. And I threw in some fresh broccoli that was left over from a salad that I made.


8 slices bacon, chopped (I generally use more)
1 cup onion, chopped
2 1/2 cup potatoes, cubed
1 can cream of chicken soup
1 cup sour cream
2 cups milk
Salt (to taste)
Pepper (to taste)

Fry bacon until crisp. Add onion and saute 2 - 3 minutes. Drain. Cook potatoes in 1 cup water for 10 -15 minutes. Stir in soup, sour cream, bacon and onions. Add milk gradually, stirring constantly. Add salt and pepper. Heat to serving temperature. DO NOT BOIL.
I usually take my potato smasher and mush the potatoes up somewhat. And I am never exact with my ingredients but it always turns out.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

cause & effect

I have been teaching this skill to second graders this week and it reminded me of what's going on at home. The cause: Our eighteen year old refrigerator stopped working last Sunday. We have been living out of two coolers sitting on our back porch. Thank you Jesus for temperatures in the 20s this past week. The effect: We took this as a sign to completely gut our entire kitchen, new floors, new cabinets, new appliances, and open up this space by cutting a large portion of one wall out. It's going to be a huge remodeling job and I promise to post "before" pictures soon.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

election day etc...

Today I finished one week of subbing, nine more to go! I used the Ladybug for the first time, that's an updated over-head projector that displays an exact copy of a worksheet or workbook page on the Smart board. We also played "Stop the Clock," a computer game on the Smart board. From a teacher that started her career using a chalkboard way back when, I can't believe how easy and fun a Smart board is. Today is Election Day here in Missouri so after school (with rain and sleet coming down) I had to vote. I'm probably as far left as you can go but (I have a crazy reason for doing this) I always vote Republican in the primary election. I proudly marked my ballot for Ron Paul. Now before I can watch any tv, I have to work on my weekly newsletter. My kids are sweetie pies and I really am enjoying myself being a teacher again but I am missing my afternoon naps for sure!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

second grade speak

Kids, especially second graders have their own special lingo. For instance I love:
  • I did it on accident.
  • Do you want us to start with number one?
  • Is this important?
  • I did that the other yesterday.
And ...
  • I gave it to her yesterday night.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

i'm in love

Okay, my little guys are so adorable! They're sweet and funny and I'm amazed how well they can read.The first day pretty much flew by and then I rushed home so I could take Sam for a little walk. Even with a very good class being a teacher is a tough job because you are always on duty; from the minute you greet them at your door to walking them to their bus at four. I announced at the end of the day that I think I worked harder than President Obama today. They laughed.
 Oh, the baybee was born this afternoon, a little girl named Ava.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012


This is my last "free" day for awhile, ten whole weeks to be exact. Tomorrow I will be standing in front of nineteen second graders acting like I know something. Please God, I only want to humbly do my job and help them make it into third grade and feel good about themselves. Thank you for the glorious day yesterday. I walked over four miles. Although it is overcast, I plan to walk at least that much today. I will get my clothes ready and  bake chocolate chip cookies for my Hubby.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

a story about pie

One day last week a group of friends decided to go on a road trip. It was a perfectly gorgeous day and after a short discussion, the ladies decided on a day of antiquing and a stop at a favorite, semi-famous pie shoppe. No big purchases were made during this excursion but it was fun to look around and generally enjoy each other's company. Later, at the pie shoppe the friends who usually pick different selections all seemed dreamy-eyed over the fresh peach pie. They purchased the whole pie and the proprietor/baker told them he would slice it into five giant pieces just for them. Yum, they were so hungry after their afternoon of browsing and antiquing. As each one of the ladies took their their first bite a strange thing happened. They discovered at the same instant that the pie tasted terrible. Instead of the sugary top, the baker had mistakenly used salt. He was so apologetic and replaced the pie with chocolate and coconut cream but each had a salt rim around their mouths that they still tasted on the trip back home.